Sick Childe x F reader

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request by @MirandaWinterbourne , Hope you like it, sure took me lots of time, but worth it ^^

Words : 2486 lwrd maybe the highest number In any other books.

Childe, the 11th of the eleventh Fatui Harbingers, a cheerful but also a dangerous man, and (y/n) who's a famous doctor in Liyue, she cured people who has fever and illness. Her medicine were mostly made by fresh plants.

(Y/n) herself have a shop, she has a few staff that likes her personality, she was kind and also cheerful, if she heard that her staff relatives are sick she would give them free medicine made by her. All of the medicine in the shop were hand-made.

It was so popular there's even own delivery, not only is a pharmacy but also a tea shop, her tea made you feel relax if you had a stress day, it's also good for heath as it's also made by plants. Heck even kids like drinking it, her medicine taste is what made it unique compare to others it was sweet.

On how Childe met (y/n) was nothing special, that day he was sent to buy medicine cause some Harbingers were poison by some things.

"Why me? Why buying medicine?" He whined "is not that hard is it ?" Signora said "whatever" Childe leaving the Northern Bank.

- time skip -

Childe reach the pharmacy, there were tones of people lining up and leaving "is it that popular?" He said to himself.

He walk to and empty space and called "Is anyone available ?" He yell though the shop. a men appeared "what would you like sir?" He asked "A detoxify medicine"

"ah-" His reply was cut off by another men "Hey! I would like to Pre-order! " he shouted "excuse me" he excused and shouted someone in the shop.

Childe chuckled and mocks the man being ignorance, but then he heard a female saying "coming!" He saw a silk of (h/c) hair then the owner of hair appeared in front of the counter.

Childe's eyes widened, the female had a long (h/c) hair, shining (e/c) eyes, she wore a white Chinese style dress with flower patterns.

"What kind of detoxify medicine do you need sir?" She said with a bright smile. Childe got startled forgetting what's his here for.

"I uh...not sure..." he said unsure "hm..." the female hummed and just left. Few seconds later she came back with 4 small backs of powder, each with its own color.

"This pink is for toxic animals, and this green one plants, this purple is for being hit my toxic weapon, this black one is the combination of all if you're affect by all of them, it helps to excrete the toxins, you might go though the toilet often" (y/n) explained.

Then she was called again, (y/n) quickly offers a price, Childe gave her 500 mora "can I ask your name?" (Y/n) who was about to leave stop and turn back to Childe's direction "I'm (y/n)" and quickly disappeared "(y/n)..." he repeated to himself, pining the name in his head.

Since then Childe had visit the pharmacy much more often, one day Childe build up the courage to ask (y/n) out, but being a busy person is hard to spare time plus being popular.

But thanks to her caring, her workers told her is fine to have a day off and they can take care of the business, she thank them and went off with Childe.

The both had a wonderful date, Childe living in (y/n)'s house, and they live on together 3 years.


Recently, Childe has been working endlessly with few minutes of rest, his health became to grow weak but he still go to work, and of course  (y/n) being a doctor she saw right though it, she told him to have a day off but he refuse, today she was not letting him leave.

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