Chapter 5: Wide Awake

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Sayaka slowly awakens as she blinks a few times, before she comes to realize she is not at home, nor any place she knows well. It is evident she does not remember what had occured yesterday, so she begins to intensly panic, rubbing her dark eyes in an attempt to wake herself up, then she attempts to pinch herself on the cheek as a last resort, but comes to realize she's wide awake --- in a very, "Unfamiliar", but rich place.

She nearly screams, quickly covering up her brash mouth, in an attempt to piece together what had exactly occured last night, but her memory is at a total loss for words, it seems she has really short-circuited as she cannot exactly comprehend what happened, nor how she got here. It had been one of her flaws, whenever encountered with a difficult situation that knocked her out, she would temporarily face a blank state of mind.

---- She quickly sits up, scratching her head as she tries to remember what had happened before

"Oh for crying out did I even get here?" Sayaka panics with some annoyance in her tedious voice, then she quickly looks down, trying to feel her phone in her pocket, but realizes she can't feel it with all of these purple lily blankets covering her, she quickly goes red and panics again, this time signaling a bigger issue on her mind.

What if she's actually naked? She clearly hasn't checked yet to see if she's actually dressed..

"Please don't tell me I'm -------" Sayaka nearly chokes red, breaking into a strong cough and rapid stressful stress,  as she throws the blankets off quickly, trying to see if she had still been wearing any clothes.

To her relief, she had still been fully dressed, and to her relief nothing expect for her phone had been substantially missing so far.

"Oh, thank God......." She quietly mumbles to herself, letting out a small but brief sigh of relief, as she rubs her face with her palms, and brushes her hair away from her pale face with her left hand.

She nearly had a heart attack with all of these negative thoughts surrounding her mind, after all she was still in a somewhat dizzy state from all those overwhelming emotions yesterday. It doesn't take her long before she snaps out of this commotion, and it quickly hits her about what happened yesterday. She comes to realize she actually slept in Kirari's mansion for the night.

It looks like she had just had went down a slide as her adrenaline rush was piked and replaced with anxiety

Sayaka quickly grows very tense and anxious, she gulps down hard, and quickly covers up her face with the lily blankets, trying to contain her own composure, but she cannot help but keep scarlet red as she continues to heat up red as a beet root. 

It was clear she was wishing for the floor to swallow her up any moment, as she cannot contain her embaressment -- she did that with the President last night, all in the eyes of Momobami Ririka

"How embaressing!!" She thought to herself rubbing her face ferosciously with panic and fear

"No.. this is so embaressing" She mumbles, still rubbing her face under the blankets as she attempts to retain her polished complexion, but it seems her emotions are too strong for her to completely snap out of this embaressing state of mind.

Again, her thoughts take another stray path that had been uncalled for, as she quickly notices she's actually resting in a double deluxe bed, that's meant for two people.

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