Chapter 177: Blank Slate: Blackout

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Suddenly, the gunshot erupted upon impact, an explosive thud shattered the silence with the ferocity of a thunderclap as Sayaka collapsed bruising her knees with blood, Runa dropped her half-chewed banana lollipop, while Rei broke their glasses from fear. It was a harrowing sound, a violent outburst that tore through the air with an unyielding force of wind, leaving a trail of shock and awe in its wake while all students fell utterly silent with another clock strike. However, much to everyone's surprise Kirari had not blinked. She stood there completely like an untouched pole, completely pristine, completely unmoved. It appeared that Sunaka had played dirty by using another blank, which she hoped to use for herself, had Kirari decided to shoot at her.

This seemed to greatly infuriate Kirari who had actually wanted to experience some thrills.

"Not playing by the book rules I see.."

Kirari stepped forward nonchalantly in her high heels, reaching to slide the silver Russian roulette gun across the green ornate poker table, as her feet took her to the side, her oceanic eyes fixating their gaze on the Arabic woman straddled in her seat.

"What fun does it do for us to break the terms of the contract?"


She walks over to Sunaka and roughly grabs her by the chin fiercely staring into her hazel-brown eyes like a demon taking clutch of a newfound soul. It seems Kirari felt herself blood-thirsty from all the anticipation and wait for the grand gamble, but now she turned utterly disappointed when she caught Sunaka in the midst of cheating.

Her eyes could not help themselves but turn to utter judgement.

"Fun.. who said I broke the contract Hun? There was never a term for no blanks.."

Sunaka tries to act dumb in an act of trying to dodge responsibility by denying any liability, as she desperately resists Kirari's grip on her chin, forcing the young president to clutch onto her chin even stronger than before, as her oceanic blue eyes showed no mercy for the scoundrel at her disposal.

She had her trapped in the snare

"Never a term for no blanks, but had there ever been a term for gun modification?"

Kirari whispers into her ear, catching Sunaka in the act as the girl grows pale unsure of how to swallow the words nor comprehend the situation. Her large eyes once bulged with confidence, now narrow with worry, as she feels her knees buckle with fear, her mind was clasped steep.


She was caught red handed meddling where unnecessary. It seemed the first blank was to distract attention, the second was to protect her in case the terms proved too harsh on her, and she accidentally fell prey towards being shot to death.

This was never a fair gamble in the first place. It was a gamble with unfair terms, mainly trying to dethrone Kirari at first opportunity, but she hadn't been dumb enough to fall prey for lousy little tricks.

"I do not recall that ever being part of the contract..."

Kirari reminds her as her solid tight grip tightens around her chin, her blueberry lips of steel come coiling towards her ear with a grim whisper of doom, as she has a nice chokehold on the Arabic woman by now, squeezing her without mercy, as she let her saliva ooze through her red cherry lips.

"You certainly thought me foolish enough not to notice the weights of your sleeves or the metal clasp on the revolver.."

She choked her by the neck, hard enough to bruise blue, harder enough to make an elaborate point, but the Arabic girl could do no other but grit her teeth in agony, now that she had been caught red handed in the act. Her humongous sex appeal and larges breasts proved no match for Kirari's dark aura and radiant stance of power.

"Certainly it did seem you planned to insert all five next round.."

Kirari continued elaborating, not batting an eyelash as she had her completely cornered, while the audience remained seated in their seats, unaware of the inner confrontational turmoil between the duo women.

By now, Sunaka could scream and she could rattle with panic, but whether it would ever justify her cheating deeds proved unknown for she risked disqualification and had violated the terms, while falling directly fell prey to Kirari's sharp clutches and viper stings of pain and disgrace, as she had her caught by the tail, squeezed by the neck.

"What's the matter now I wonder, why do you not scream, why do you not reject me?"

Kirari continued to whisper insults into her ear mockingly, while the entire room froze within suspense. They weren't sure what to make of the current situation, while one dark haired woman was sure she would rather not know what was "Intimately" discussed between the two with Kirari's strong hand around Sunaka's neck and her knee bent up her dress for all to see.

"And.. what do I have left? You caught me Kirari, you win.. but can you ever say you played fair and square when you have your hands around me?"

Sunaka retorted back with mockery and retaliation as she huffed and puffed, deeply exhaling her massive chest out, trying to engrave a sense of empathy into Kirari, who continued to remain unmoved by her exclamation.

"Two wrongs do not make a right, but do suit yourself..."

Kirari reminds her wittingly with a sly whisper to the ear, her knee pursed up her dress with a tight press, while her hand came to withdraw from her steep neck, leaving bruise marks in plain sight.

She swiftly turns to Runa and snaps her fingers delicately like a champion, her arms folded across her chest with sheer pride and dominance as Sayaka could barely look up at the president from all the shock and worry she had sustained with the dramatic change of situation that left her panties deep in a twist.

Her mind was blank, and her state was black.

"Too clever by half, need I remind you what happens for breaking the rules.."

Kirari smiles, turning towards Runa as she observes the metal bullets collapse out of Sunaka's dress sleeve, while her dark eyes anchor themselves towards the floor, she sits utterly defeated and deafly silenced by her view.

(She would soon be facing her punishment)


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