Chapter 83: Faulty Ignorance

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Rin steps back having lost the will to continue this useless conversation for any longer as he turns his masculine arched back on Kirari and grimaces painfully in chaotic defeat. It seems that his ego had just hit hard rock bottom down below solid. He was hoping to get something out of this crash publicity stunt but it had only made Kirari take pride and dignity against them as her own demeanour remained absolutely perfect. Their entire plan has just backfired with Kirari coming out on top as she simply smirks like a deadly hot sociopath.

By now, she was probably labelling them as imbecilic idiot clowns in her unpredictable minds eye, it was like her glare was strong enough to leave them both feeling rather uncomfortable

"Ibara...we're going..."

Rin mutters two short words to mark his dissatisfaction with the current outcome at his disposal, as he cannot come to terms with Kirari's demanding brash attitude, it's almost making him suffocate as he cannot stand the pressure omitting from her sinister aura.

"Ara, do you have cold feet now perhaps? I do hope you have not forgotten about the damages"

Kirari tackles the dark boy with a harsh knock-out reminder, using another combative elegant tactic as she has him completely beaten and shattered like a glass figure, his self-esteem will surely go down the drain in one long shot.

She doesn't hesitate to remind him about the disgrace that he is


Ibara tries to lash out again without thinking improperly, his shabby teeth and solid stoned fists are hardly clenched in masculine fashion, but Rin just sighs out loudly into the lingering wide horizon in the distance, his sights fixed up on the blue vibrant sky as he wonders how to beat Kirari without losing an ounce of patience, but he comes to admit his defeat today.

It was like she was not one to be reasoned with

"We'll pay....for all can keep the change..."

Rin shakes his head and suddenly wanders off without another word nor glance back, strongly knowing within himself that he lost against Kirari this time without a doubt, but surely hoping he would win sometime against her in the near upcoming future as he was still competing in her elections along with Ibara.

This remark leaves Kirari laughing, yet she stands there firmly clasping her face with her delicate palm against her face, in an attempt to prevent herself from bursting into a chuckle as she felt this already to be enough of a drama freak-show out on the outskirts of the street.

It seems she was hoping to humiliate the duo even more, but they wagged their tails and fled when she turned to threats, sadistic looks and mockery.

"How truly disappointing.. and to believe I had better expectations for you..."

She smirks once more, shifting her balance to return back to her own luxurious white limousine as she had just added more salt and spices to the wounds, having had the last word as she completely overwhelms and angers Rin who finds it hard enough to believe that they're even related.

He may have been like a devil himself, but Kirari was like Lucifer in the flesh, it was like she had always been waiting patiently for him and Ibara to trip so that she could make fun of them in their misery and defeat.

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