Chapter 25: Show Time

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No sooner had the clock struck 8 Sayaka was already pacing by the golden academy gate with immense impatience, her delicate arms were spread out wide and full of vibrant shopping bags filled up with various candy assortments to the brim, she was gripping the handles as she fought herself to keep fully composed and clear headed, mostly sane, she kept herself busy by trying to solve mathetmatical equations in her head as Runa was silently driven up secretly behind her by her private driver in the front seat.

She made her driver honk at Sayaka nearly making her faint with panic


Sayaka grumbled loudly with a curse, as she quickly turned around, getting startled by the sudden beeping and honking as Runa continued to irk her every second, she nearly made her jump out of the street and suffer a heart attack

(Sayaka clearly wasn't handling this well at all)

Runa didn't even bother to lift up a finger and get out of her prestigious silver 53 Coupe Mercedes, she simply opened the automatic window by toggling the switch on the side, and watched the window move down automatically, as she then peered through the open window.

"Ohayo Sayaka-chan!"

Runa propped out her blonde loli head out of the silver mercedes window, her sly violet eyes wandering to the logical dark haired secretary as Runa watched her frown poker-face with disgust, she was nearly foaming at the mouth, she was that mad and shook.

(It looked like she was ready to destroy anyone in her path, she had that sociopathic glare in her eyes, and Kirari's stern aura all over her, not even logic was helping her hide it)


"Runa, I demand that you delete those nonsense at once!"

She clenches her fist, her eyes sharp as shards

Sayaka demanded frustrated, still clenching hard onto the vibrant shopping bags full of candy as she took a small detour to negotiate face to face with Runa, who was still pleasantly resting in her luxurious mercedes car, one large pink lolipop inserted in her mouth with a twist.

She kept twirling it in her mouth, one hand resting on her stomach, she was slouching comfortably in her warm leather seat

"Nonsense, huh?"

Runa teases her with a wide grin on her fiendish loli face, her violet racing eyes clearly glowing bright violet, it looks like she had probably rewatched those videos several times by now, it didn't look like any nonsense to her at all

(She decides to pull up the reigns and have a little bit of more fun)

"Not so fast Sayaka-chan~~"

Runa giggles tilting her head to the side, she sticks out her small loli hand and demands bribery, she wants all the candy that Sayaka holds as she dares not even negotiate until she has the bags perfectly secured in her cars back seat.


Sayaka grunts and face-palms her cheek, it doesn't look like Runa was going to have it any other way, she's slowly giving into her demands, growing cold and impatient to the core.

Kakegurui Fine Wine [KIRARI X SAYAKA] -- ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now