Chapter 131: Unholy Sins: Coercion

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Kirari notices the hesitance in Sayaka's agitated demeanor, the shaking and rattling of her petite fragile hands, as they grow limp and waiver sideways, thinking whether to take that shot or to miss, whether to aim low or higher. It seems her palms were sweating profoundly, her heartbeat raced fast like lightning, as she couldn't help but fail to fully grip the revolver in her clutch. Thus, Kirari decides to stretch it out for her, she pulls the trigger in her stead, while Sayaka subconsciously attempts to avoid firing, only to have Kirari's index finger placed upon hers, which sets off the gun and fires rapidly swift, impaling the man in his already diminished manhood, as the BB bullets get stuck inside the skin, the man groans and whimpers in pain, but his sounds are ushered brutally, dismissed by the cruel henchmen who shut him up with an old navy  prison pillow, while Sayaka's  quivering violet eyes, remain shut behind the blindfold, her breathing increases heavily, while her hands shake with anxiousness.

By having taken that shot, she becomes Kirari's accomplice, her partner in crime.

"Not quite shabby for a first sharp-shot"

Kirari whispers into her earlobe seductively, smirking to herself while  she observed the bullet impaling the man, his nut-sack completely fried and toast like butter, exposing a somewhat disfigured dangling object that was no longer recognizable, as it had already been diminished by her heels prior-hand, and now it seemed to only be a piece and flab of skin, dangling sideways in a bloody twisted mess, his iron-enriched blood pooling over his rag-worth dirt-filled clothes, as fresh blood oozed and seeped down his navy dark pants, coloring the grey floor concrete slabs burgundy-red, with a mess sharp enough to color even the dirtiest of dark disgruntled floors, that not even a commoner would step foot on. 

His spirit was being shattered into millions of pieces, while he remained nailed to the cross shaped coffin, his hands impaled by  iron-metal nails piercing through his very flesh deeper than the bone, as if he was crucified completely to the wooden boards. He couldn't move his body, apart from his head and feet, but the metal chains on his lower ankles kept him fixated into position. It wouldn't be long before his toes would also suffer the same cruel fate as his hands.

".....................................??!!! GH!!!"

(Soon enough, the man began to experience devastating profound convulsions, as his mouth gushed with nauseating yellow bile-themed vomit, his pulse rose dangerously high, his body getting colder which each drop of blood loss, as his face grew paler and paler, his demeanor grew weaker, but the sadistic president didn't stop there, as she proceeded to continue her torturous methods in the cold dark cellar basement, as she kept him fixated in place, while her sadistic face bore a somewhat amusing expression)

Within a few moments she snapped her delicate fingers twice, and the man was cleaned up by the henchmen forcefully, who replaced the duct tape, cleaning his dirty face that was pooling up with bile vomit, saliva and blood. It seems Makuro had attempted to bite himself to death, but had ironically failed to do so, so Kirari had instructed the men to ensure he would not be able to end his struggle ever so easily.

Soon, she rattled on the safety lock, watching Sayaka still remain shocked as sweat lingered down her face, as Kirari continued to press up directly behind her body. By now, she let one hand loose, close enough to stroke her dark hair with the other. However, she would not loosen the blindfold, and instead chose to coerce her further into her inevitable, illogical submission.

She decides to play with her mind, by playing with her heartstrings. 

"You say that you love me, you say that you do"

She leans in, one hand softly stroking Sayaka's face carefully, the other still gripping her petite hand with the gun cunningly, while her body was placed heavily behinds hers, her words rang bells into her heart, as their heartbeats temporarily synchronized, their breaths both grew shallow, hard and heavy like cold tequila on a summer's day.

She was charmed without realizing it, and little could she do to resist the seductiveness in her authoritative voice.

"Then, do prove to me why I should love you too"

She quietly whispers insistingly, soft enough for only Sayaka's ears to hear, but vexing enough for Makuro to know she meant business at hand. Her expression demonstrated the look of a devil, preparing to take the life of another human being, simply on a mere easy whim of choice.

"Kaichou..I-...I've never...!"

Sayaka hesitates, her hands shake, her body grows anxious, while her face turns pale, white enough to resemble a ghost, pale enough to demonstrate she was just as innocent as she seemed. 

From the looks of it, it was evident she had never taken a life, she had never hurt anyone profoundly enough to make them knock on the door of the afterlife.

She panics though struggle, she clenches her teeth hard into a scowl, her heart doing leaps of 120km per hour. She staggers, breathing ever so heavily like never before, her body shaking with stress beyond compare, as her mind depicts the worst case scneario, she imagines her own two hands bloody, stained with sticky crimson blood as she sees herself ending the life of another. She sees herself in prison, herself in jail.

"I've never...ever taken a life!"

She insists, a quiet mutter ushered through her very pink lips. She admits to being the innocent logical girl that she had always been.

Momentarily, Kirari whispers something into her ear, but the girl cannot comprehend the silence of her tone, the coldness behind her very eyes as they pierced Makuro like daggers, impaling his nearly lifeless body like heavy nails from the coffin.

"Alas, well....that's quite a shame..."

She temporarily withdraws one step, as one hand rips Sayaka's blindfold off, the other fires the BB gun at the man rapidly, as she snapped the safety lock off, shooting him in various places, as the round of bullets hit his torso, one impaled his shoulder, two his stomach, while the last was neatly aimed to his heart, impaling him as he cursed out in complete and utter pain.

But like the legend would tell, the man miraculously survived the outburst of BB bullets, and it was evident why, but the impact was strong enough to make Sayaka shiver, she leaked herself once more at the horror of what she was forced to do, as her eyes dropped to the floor, her heart was struck and stunned in place.

-- Until it hit her, that Kirari had played her once more --


Sayaka freezes in place, until Kirari chuckles behind her.

"My, did you really assume I'd allow you the pleasure of shooting this man?"

She chuckled with glorius glee, a refined polished smirk decorating her elegant face bravely, as she slowly untangled herself away from Sayaka with a small spin, taking a step forward towards the victim on the cross-shaped coffin, while her eyes scanned across him like a bar-code, noting his pitiful, but pathetic state, as she shamed him in her thoughts.

She could barely contain herself from laughing at him.



"Do trust me, I'd much rather he paid the debts himself"

She whispered slyly, her oceanic blue eyes turning ever so cold like winter, as her stride was strong enough to murder the stronger person on earth without effort.

"P...president..what exactly do you...-"

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