Chapter 4

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It was 1 pm in the afternoon and Hyunjin just got home, alone. His sister was at a friends house and his mother was working at this time, the only person who was home was his father. Hyunjin knew this, and he wasn't happy about it. But he didn't have anywhere else to go since Jisung was busy at work. As soon as he opened the door he saw his dad on the couch drinking a bottle of beer, they looked at each other and Jin could see how the man started to get up with an angry expression on his face. The boy started shaking and tears were filling his eyes of fear and anticipation. His father came up to him, his steps were firm because he had just drank one bottle of beer. He grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and screamed at him 'where is the whore of your mother?' It didn't matter how much that angered him, the fear was much stronger, and with a shaky voice he said he didn't know. The man didn't believed him, but what was about to happen next wasn't about that, he just used that as an excuse to take out his anger on someone else. His never ending anger. He punched him repeatedly in the stomach with his knee and then threw him on the ground and started to kick him while saying 'lair' nonstop. His father stopped, not because he was done, but because he wanted to get another beer. He would never be truly done hurting the people around him. While he did that, Hyunjin in distress crawled to the kitchen that was right there and grabbed a knife from the counter. When he turned around the man was looking at him with a smile, a terrifying smile.

- What are you going to do with that kid? When I get to you I'll kill you for even thinking about it. - he said while walking slowly towards him.

Hyunjin was crying, but his mind started to get clouded and for a moments he lost consciousness. His feet moved fast without permission and his hand pushed the knife forward crushing against his father's heart. They both fell to the ground. He couldn't get up, he couldn't look at what he did. He started to cry even harder and louder feeling like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. But the pain and guilt started to turn him insane, he felt guilty for being relieved. He let go from the knife and hugged his father. Screams started to leave his soul, every one of them felt like they were tearing him apart from the inside. He didn't think about the neighbors hearing him, they never cared about him when he scream at his father to stop, why would they care now? Hyunjin tried to get up and look at him, his eyes were still open just like his mouth. With his hands he tried to hold his face and he placed their foreheads together. His tears were now wetting the dead man's face. He couldn't help but feel glad and that terrorised him, why couldn't he just love his father? That question wandered around his mind for so long and yet, he never found an answer.

Hyunjin heard the door being opened and he heard something crush against the ground, but he couldn't gather the strength to look up. He started to hear a noise, but he couldn't place what it was. Then he felt a pair of arms hugging him and that's when he noticed it was Jisung, and he was telling him everything was going to be okay. Hyunjin didn't know why, but he believed him, like he always did. Jisung never lied to him, he never left him alone and he always showed him the most pure type of love. Jisung tugged him in his arms till the police came. They came in screaming and pulled them apart. It didn't matter how much Jisung tried to stop them, they cuffed Hyunjin and took him to the police station. Han went running after him while calling Yeji and their mom.

This was when the two worlds started to collide, and as soon as Mr and Ms Lee sat down next to Minho and Chris for lunch in their house the phone rang. It was Chris's cellphone and it was the police calling. He was worried it had something to do with the fight, but that was far from the truth.

- Bang chan?

- Yes, What is it?

- I'm sorry, but I'll have to ask you to come down to the station, you father has been deadly attacked at his house. We already have a suspect in custody. We need you to come and identify your father as soon as possible. - Every word that came out of the man's voice felt too far away from reality for Chris to realize it was true.

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