Chapter 23

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Jeongin woke up and realized that he was going to be smiling all day. Happiness was flowing inside him and he couldn't wait to see Chris. In four hours he was getting married to the love of his life, everything was set into motion, his friends were already up and working with the venue, to make sure everything was going to be ready for lunch after the ceremony at the church. His parents and Chris's parents were taking care of the decorations of the church and making sure everything was ready and Jeongin was having his favorite breakfast, in bed, while watching The Proposal. He said before, he wasn't going to lift a finger on his wedding day and neither was Chris. This was their day, it was about them, and they were going to have the best time.

After a shower, he started to get his stuff ready to go to the church where Jisung was doing his and Chris's makeup and where he was getting dressed. He didn't want to see anything because he wanted everything to be a surprise. Of course he already knew the color palette and what kind of flowers there were using, but he had wanted to know the least possible. He wanted to walk down the aisle and have the beauty of it all surprise him all together. He had never been more ready for anything in his life like he was right then.

Close from Jeongin's room, was Chris doing the exact same things. He kept trying to write his vows, but nothing was worthy enough for that moment. Nothing felt right.

- Okay dude, I'm bored, read to me what you've got so far. - Minho said, taking away Chris's focus from his note pad.

- I'm really not sure if I like it but, here it goes... Yang Jeongin, when I met you I never could have guess we were going to be standing here two years later. I knew then I didn't deserve someone like you, and now even if I still don't feel that I deserve you, you are the best that I ever would like to deserve. You are the sun that shines on me in the mornings and the moon and stars that brighten the night. You are everything and I'll always turn back to you. - Chris finished reading and when he looked up, he saw Minho wih his jaw on the floor. - Dont make that face, it wasn't that good. It's not good enough. Not for him.

- Oh Chris for fucks sake, that it's just... too good. Dont change a thing, I almost start crying... I mean, he is going to love it. - Min said with a smile, being absolutely happy with being there to witness this moment.

- Its beautiful Chris, but you are wrong. He is just as lucky to have you as you are lucky to have him. - Hyunjin said sitting next to his brother. He was already dressed in his tuxedo, just like Minho and Chris were, waiting for Mr Lee to knock on the door and tell them it was time. They wouldn't have to wait long.

- You are going to change it, aren't you? - Minho asked defeated.

- Yep.

The ceremony was starting, everyone was seated and the best men were in place. The music started to play, being Changbin a two of his friends the ones in charge of it. The soft music made every step Chris was taking towards the aisle too easy, the music were the waves that brought the messages to shore. Arm in arm with his father, his real one, the one that was there at every step of the way, he got to where he was supposed to be. And he waited for his groom to walk in. He just had to wait a few minutes, but he was sure he would wait an eternity for spending the rest of their lives together. With Jeongin, everything was worth it.

The doors were opened and Jeongin walked in, with his father right there next to him.

The world stopped, everything stopped for Christopher. There were just him and his future husband, nothing else. As soon as they were facing each other, tears started to fall. Both of them cried of happiness knowing they made it. When their hands were together, their eyes never looked away. The minister talked, but his words were numbed by their hearts and how loudly they were speaking and yelling their love for the other.

- Chris, I met you and I knew you were going to be the death of me. I tried to run away, too scared to fall as deeply as I did. But your eyes never turned away and your hands were always steady. You are my world and I'm beyond happy being yours as well.

- Jeongin I... I thought about my vows for months and I could never truly come up with anything deserving of you. You deserve the world, but the world doesn't deserve you. I just stand here today hoping that giving you my heart will be enough to show you how devoted I am to you. I believe in God, but I still worship the ground you walk on, my biggest wish, is to walk it along with you.

They exchanged rings and became what they already were in the eyes of God. Partners for the rest of their lives.

When the ceremony ended, they walked out of the church and all of them walked to the venue that was a few blocks away. Waiting to have lunch and to hear the best men speaches.

Minho found himself walking along side Jisung, at the bottom of the group.

- You know, weddings makes you think about love and what you want for the rest of your life. What I told you before I left wasn't a lie, I'll always wait for you, wait for us to be them. My heart will always have just one true owner, I gave it to you and I know it's in the safest place it could be. - Minho said honestly, without even looking at Jisung while talking.

- I wasn't sure how I felt about you coming today, but seeing Chris glow with this much happiness, knowing you are part of the reason, makes me really happy. Makes me see that even if I try, it'll always be you. - Jisung then started to walk faster, to catch up on his friends. Knowing Minho was also the sole owner of his heart, even when he didn't want their relationship to start again. It just meant, he could never have anyone else either.

Lunch started, the music was flowing and everyone was beyond happy. In so much misery, they knew this was the moment to hold on to. When pain tried to tear them apart again, they would remember sitting here holding each others hands and know future was still an option, only because they had the other.

- Hello, if I could get everyone's attention please, it's time for the speaches. - Changbin said, he had been in charge of the music and therefore, he was at the microphone.

Minho stood up and walked towards the stage, he was nervous so he brought the speach written just in case. He stood there and smiled, knowing he had tears in his eyes. He looked at Chris and knew, he knew this was the perfect moment to tell him everything that he felt deep in his heart.

- I kept trying to think about what to say today and I came across a speech I wrote when we were ten. Do you remember Chris? I used to be obsessed with the idea of your wedding and mine, with being your best man. So I felt it was a good idea to read it today. - Minho took a moment to breath, looked down a the leller and then smiled at Chris before speaking - "I'm writing this speech because I'm sure you'll get married. You always say happiness won't happen for you, but you are the most amazing person I know and you don't just deserve someone who loves you, you deserve every good thing the world has to offer. We always say we are the best of friends, but I never told you, you aren't just a friend to me, you are the brother I chose to have. That is why I know I'll be your best man, just like you'll be mine." I made a lot of mistakes, but you have always been there for me, you've always been my brother. Since we were in diapers we were inseparable, I've seen you through everything and I've never seen you as happy as you are right now with Jeongin. He is your better half and I couldn't be happier knowing you found each other.

Everyone stood up and clapped. With the emotions flowing in the air, Minho and Chris hugged in the middle of the room.

- I forgive you. - Chris said in a small whisper, feeling the weight of his past anger leave him completely.

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