Chapter 15

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Chris got home and he saw Minho with a beer in his hand while watching a boxing match. He yelled at the tv, something way out of character for him and then turned it off to look at Chris. He sat down next to him and stared at Min and suggested to go to his room to talk.

- So, are we going to talk about how you are sinking yourself even deeper than ever before or are we going to ignore it and pretend you are fine? - Chris said when he got inside of Minho's room and sat next to him in his bed.

- Chris I'm not in the mood for this. - Min said while rubbing his face in frustration.

- No, no, I need to know, should I let this pass? Even if it's killing you? - Chris sighed - Minho I know you are hurting, everyone can see it. Let me help you, like you've helped me. You are my brother and I'll always be here, but you are starting to act in ways you've never acted before, you are becoming someone I'm sure you wouldn't like. - Minho at that got up and answered with his back facing Chris.

- Becoming? Chris I've been this person for years, I've been stuck in this shell for so long, how haven't you noticed? I am not the same I was two years ago, I am miserable, but that is not a priority. Our lives are so messed up that it doesn't matter right now how I'm dealing with it, because I have no other way. - Minho turned around suddenly feeling somewhat angry - and honestly, now you can see I'm hurting? I've been hurting for a while now this isn't new, the only thing that has changed is that it has become and inconvenience for you.

- Minho I get that you are angry and hurt, but you can't talk to me like that. I am not your punching bag, I am your brother that, yes, I might have over looked how you were feeling, but I care for you and I want to help you feel better. - Minho cried, knowing his agression has surpassed the limits of what was understandable and was now being too much of a dick to everyone.

Chris understood, he did, agression was something he was familiar with. That's why he tried his best and not get angry, he knew Minho was doing he could. He was angry at everyone because he had no one to blame but himself. When Chris was the one dealing with it he went to the gym, he knew Minho would benefit from that too, but seeing Jisung there at the counter would probably make things worse. So, instead, he grabbed both of their stuff and the car keys.

- Let's go get a few drinks, alright? - Chris suggested with a smile. When Minho barely looked at him and just walked to the door, he tried to remind himself he was being a supportive brother, this wasn't about him. He had to say that to himself because if not, Minho would end up with a black eye. He breathe in and breathe out and started to follow. This better work.

They went to their all time favorite bar, they sat far away from everyone and had a few drinks in silence. Chris tried to talk about anything, trying to distract Minho from his thoughts, it didn't work. But then a group of guys showed up and Minho got all nervous and started to sink in his sit.

- Quick pretend we are talking about something! - said Minho while he started to freak out over seeing him.

- Well that's what I've been trying to do since we got here... - Chris said sarcastically and confused - What are you hiding from anyways?

- I'm pretty sure that would be me. - Said someone from behind of where Chris was sitting, Minho felt his luck couldn't get any worse.

- Hey Juyeon... What are you doing here? - the moment he said that, Chris started to laugh, understanding finally what was going on.

- So... Why don't you and your friends come sit with us? - he said while taking a sip of his drink and looking up and down at Juyeon, god was he pretty. The guy went to ask his friends and they all came to join them. Minho looked at him with anger, but with no energy to do anything about it.

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