Chapter 2

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It was Saturday and while Chris was in his room studying, Minho was getting things ready for the party they were going to have in about two hours. The only thing that he had to do now, was buying alcohol. After he told his friend that he was going out, he left. He went to a small market around the corner of their building, and that's where he meet Jisung and Jeongin.

Jeongin earlier had gone to Jisung's house and said to Changbin they were going to have a sleepover at Han's place, which was a lie, but that was the only way for Innie to go to the party without Bin. They walked a bit to the bus station, the ride was really short, but they didn't felt like walking. The party wasn't supposed to start till a few hour later, but they wanted to buy a few thing and keep the boys company while they waited for everyone else to show up. When they came across with Minho they waited for him to buy everything he needed and then went to Minho's and Chris's apartment.

- Chris! We are here.

- We?

- Yeah, Jeongin, Jisung and me. I run into them at the market. Do you have the playlist ready?

Chris had an amazing taste in music, so he made a playlist for the party; some of the songs where really popular and in between he mixed a few of his own tracks. When Chris left his room, he was already dressed for the party and that made Jeongin's mind go places. He wore a pair of black skinny jeans with a silk navy blue shirt, which had the first three buttons loose. It all suited him perfectly, like those clothes where made especially for him. The first thing Chris did when he appeared was to look at Jeongin, up and down, to later go to where he and Jisung where and give both of them a kiss on the cheek. It was clear that one kiss was very brotherly and friendly and the other let a lot to the imagination, to Jeongin's imagination.

The four of them placed every plastic cup they had, napkings, alcohol and chips on the two tables they owned, one was infront of the couch and the other was the dinner table, next to the kitchen. A few minutes later people started to show up, no one Chris knew. They were mostly Minho's or Jisung's friends, since Chris just knew the guys at the gym or the guys he competed with, which Minho didn't felt totally comfortable with. After half an hour everybody was there and they had already started drinking.

Time passed rather quickly with the music filling the room and the alcohol loosening peoples bodies. It was around 2 am when someone else arrived, it was a friend of Jisung's.

- Hyunjinnie! I can't believe your father let you come. - Ji said, happily hugging his friend.

- He didn't, he went to a bar a couple of minutes ago, I'll be back before he is and he won't notice.

Both of them celebrated while Han introduced him to his boyfriend, Minho.

Near the kitchen Chris was drinking some water when Jeongin approached him, he was stumbling and quietly laughing. He tries to grab his forearm and by doing so, he tripped with himself and almost fell. Luckily Chris was close enough to stop him from falling by grabbing him by the waist. Such a beautiful waist. His hand seem to belong there. His mind was going places where there was no return, not now when Jeongin was clearly drunk.

- You okay Jeongin? - he asked with a slightly raspier tone. And the other seemed to melt to his question.

Jeongin smiled and went up to kiss him, they kissed rather slowly for a moment. They kept on kissing and kissing. Their lips touched delicately, both of their mouths opened a bit and their lips collided together but kept the slow pace. Chris's hand never left Jeongin's waist. They weren't hurrying things up and they weren't taking things any further. But Innie had other things planned in his drunk mind, he hadn't stopped thinking about how good would it be to sleep with Chris, how good would it feel. So he pulled the blonde haired guy closer to him, kissed him a little bit desperately and touched him blatantly.

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