Chapter 12, part 1

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The moment Jisung got the text from Hyunjin saying Minho was back home he went there as fast as he could. He didn't understand why he left, what made him so unhappy that he couldn't even be here anymore. And what happened to make him come back so early, since Chris said it would take a few days for Minho to get back.

Jin opened the door for him and the moment he saw his boyfriend he went to hug him. When their bodies met Jisung felt relieved he had Minho with him again. He couldn't deny it made him angry that Minho left without a word, but he was so incredibly happy to see him he didn't care at the moment.

It was when Minho pulled away that Ji knew something was wrong. When he actually saw his face full of sadness and regret something inside him started to make him feel sick.

- I made a mistake baby... I did something I shouldnt have done...

After that it almost felt like Jisung couldn't hear him completely. He understood what he was saying, he heard how he had kissed somebody else. He was so baffled he couldn't even wrap his head around it. He thought he knew Minho, he knew they could have a lot of problems in their relationship but never this. He both wanted to punch him and to hug him. Why did he have to do it? Why? How could he forgive him now? A part of him wanted to never have heard of this, wanted him to keep it away from him. Jisung was so incredibly in love with Minho and wanted nothing more than this to be a lie. Because he knew that if it were true he had to leave. But leaving meant never waking up next to him again, never kissing each other nor hugging each other again, because he was sure as hell he didn't want to be his friend. He wanted to kill him but also marry him. He wanted him gone but also always there for him. So why did he have to do this and make everything so hard? It was up to Jisung now, he had to break everything off. He knew he had to do it, there was no other option no matter how much a part of him wanted to stay.

- Of all the problems I thought we would have I never thought this would be one of them. - Jisung said while Minho cried trying to hold his hands one last time.

- Im sorry Jiji.

- You can't take it back with a sorry, trust me, I would know. - Jisung said with resentment and he took a deep breath before doing what they both knew he was going to do - We've been having problems since we got back together and we cant ignore them anymore, so I guess I should thank you for making it easier to break up with you.

- Jisung...

- Goodbye Minho.

Jisung left without a tear being shed, mostly because he couldn't quite wrap his head around it. But as he walked to Jeongin's house the sadness started to take over, so when he ringed the bell his face was red and full of tears. Jeongin and Jisung hadn't seen each other in a while but that wasn't important, they both knew that no matter how long its been,  they would both be there when their hearts where in distress. The door opened and the moment they locked eyes,  Jisung cried out what happened. The pain became bigger because now it was no longer fantasy,  now he wouldn't be able to hide from the truth, not in reality and not in his dreams.

They were sitting on the bed when Jisung started to tell Jeongin the whole story since they got back together. The saddest part was that Jisung wasn't angry, he wanted to be angry, but he was sad because he knew he couldn't be with Minho from now on. It was about self respect, or at least that's what he thought. He couldn't just forgive Minho for cheating, he couldn't because people dont just cheat. There is always something behind that. And Jisung knew Minho couldn't be the kind of person to not care and just be with whoever he wanted to. Even though as time passed he was less and less sure about that. He wanted to believe he knew Min, but did he? Cheating doesn't just happen out of nowhere, it couldn't. Jisung realized he needed an explaination, but he wasn't strong enough to go and ask for it himself. So instead of dealing with it, he and Jeongin went to the living room to watch movies and eat junk food. He was okay with crying with romance movies, because all the pain felt unreal, with every movie that passed he waited for the ache in his heart to go away when the credits started to roll. In reality, when the TV went black, he felt numb, sadness became tiring. His limbs where heavy and his eyes wanted to bo close, but the nothingness brought Minho back to his mind. His sweet smile and his warm hugs were all he could think of. He realized that he wouldn't be able to sleep, thankfully, Jeongin knew him well enough because he wasn't planing on sleeping either. A sleepover, like the old times. But instead of talking about guys, they would talk about heartbreaks and fever dreams.

- You know, if someone told me Minho killed someone I wouldn't be surprised, but cheating? I don't know why it's still hard to believe. - Jisung said while lying on top of his friends legs making Jeongin laugh.

- You understand murder but not cheating?  You do know that's messed up right?  - Jeongin said while laughing along with Jisung. 

They both needed to laugh, to find some grace in all the misery that has been surrounding them for far too long.

- Are you going to forgive him? - Jeongin asked with a tint of seriousness.

- No, I don't know, not now at least. It would be too painful to even look at him let alone talk to him again. I would love to run into his arms, you know? But what he did hasn't changed just like my pain is still there. - Jisung looked at his friend before talking again - That's why I don't understand why you and Chris haven't gotten together again.

- What? What does Chris have to do with any of this? - suddenly nervousness took place in his heartbeats.

- You love him, but you left him because of his lies and his fear of committing to the relationship. But he has changed that, he has apologized countless times and has proven his love for you many times too, so why aren't you giving him a chance? I think this time it would be different,  you are both more mature and the love hasn't gone anywhere, trust me. - that left Jeongin thinking that maybe this time he could be happy without fear. He prayed.

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