ch 1- meeting Tony

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Peter was currently living on the streets. Aunt May had passed away a few months after Ben died by jumping off a building. Peter had spent a few weeks at the orphanage, but couldn't manage to go out as spiderman while he was there, so he decided that he would be better off living by himself.

Ned and MJ didn't know about this, and peter made sure they didn't find out about this


I was woken up by my old stark phone 4, I really didn't know how this old thing was still working. It was 6 o'clock. Normally I would get up around this time, but last night I fell asleep in a roof that was maximum at 5 mins away walking to the school, and because I didn't have anything to eat , I just waited until I only had 15 mins left and went to school.

When I got there, he still had 11 mins left, so I searched for Ned

"Hey Ned" saluted Peter once he found him

"Hey Peter" answered Ned " How was you know what yesterday, you didn't call me after you got ambushed and I got pretty worried"

" Oh yeah, sorry I didn't call back, but I managed to escape the avengers" replied peter very proud of himself

A few months back, some S.H.I.E.L.D agents had started asking for his identity, and when he didn't proceed to give it to them , because he didn't want to put Ned or MJ in danger, they started attacking him, however, because peter was extremely skilled, he always managed to get away easily. What peter wasn't expecting was for S.H.I.E.L.D to send the avengers. The first time it was only Hawkeye , The black widow, captain America and Iron man, but after a few attempts to catch him miseraly, more and more avengers started appearing on , hell it even appeared on TV, The tony stark said he could be a threat. He was only friendly neighborhood spiderman !

The bell rang, and they both started heading to class. On their way there, the one and only Flash appeared

"Nice way to start a day " whispered peter to Ned, that only chuckled .

"Well, well ,well, if it isn't the Penis Parker" said Flash pushing him to a locker

Peter groaned and asked Flash " what do you want, I'm not doing your homework, if that's why you're here, its not my fault you're so dumb you cant even do it by yourself"

Flash, obviously bothered by the comment Peter made, punched him right in the middle of the stomach " Don't ever call me dumb again, cause you and I both know, that I'm way smarter than you are"

Right before it got serious, Mr Harrington passed through them and said while opening the door " come on boys, get in , I have an important announcement to do"

Once they were all in the class, Mr Harrington began..." As you all know, all the exams are over, and we wont be having more until after the Christmas holidays in 3 weeks, however, Stark Industries are looking for geniuses to be working as interns, so we will all be doing a test, That wont alter any of your grades, to see if you are smart enough to be working as SI. Most of you obviously wont be working at SI, so if you don't get picked don't be bothered about it, as there will be 15 000 volunteers. AHHH, also, the one with the highest marks will be working as Tony's Starks personal intern, so I suggest that you all try your hardest" and with that he started handing the tests upside down. "The test is 5 pages long, so you have 2 hours , staarttinnnnggggg... NOW"

2H later (srry, not gonna talk about technology, not my strong point XD)

"Hey peter, how was your test? I didn't even answer half of all the questions, They were so complicated" Ned asked Peter

" What do you mean by complicated, it was pretty easy" answered Peter. Even though he didn't look like one, Peter was a fricking genius. He had an IQ of 167, almost as Einsteins.

"Hey looser, its not our fault that we aren't a genius, and the exam was complicated, but because your well you, I'm pretty sure you'll get in" Added MJ

And with that, they all left school, as today they only had 3 hours of classes

The week went on pretty perfect, peter found a 20 dollar bill in the streets, and that was more than enough for 5 meals, more than he had ever had in a week since you know... He also hadn't had any encounter with any avenger, which he was grateful for, since he had got stabbed 3 times and shot once.

It was already Monday, and Peter was heading for technology, when he got grabbed by the principal and led into his office

"Am I in trouble" asked Peter

"Of course not Peter, remember that test you all did last week, well your results impressed Ms Potts so much that she actually requested to meet you in person" answered the principal with a proud smile on his eyes

"Oh" Peter was more than impressed, but after the shock he thought, 'you probably will be just handing coffee, don't get too ahead of yourself'

"So, Ms Potts is actually here with Mr Stark, would you like to see them? " asked the principal

"That would be awesome" said peter, with enthusiasm clear in his voice

Both walked to the cafeteria, where the CEO of Si Pepper Potts and THE TONY STARK were sitting

"So... you must be petter, I must say that I expected you to be around 20 when I first saw your exam, I definitively didn't expect you to be so young. You know, the exams are valuated in 500 points, and you got 479 right, putting you in the first place, with a 39 pint lead. So, would you like to be my personal intern kid, you know working on my suit and stuff.."explained Tony

"Oh my god Mr stark I-"rambled peter when he got interrupted by Tony "please kid , call me Tony, Mr stark makes me feel old"

"I'm sorry Mr S- I mean Tony, I didn't want to make you feel old" Apologised Peter

" Hey relax buddy I was only joking around, no need to apologise" Said Tony "So, I'll give you time to make the decision, and If you accept, you can come by tomorrow Tuesday by 4 pm, and we'll talk about your schedule"

Peter was in shock to say the least. He got to meet the Tony Stark, and not only that, but he would be seeing him again. It was going to be epic to say the least.

________________________________________________________________________________AUTHORS NOTE- I am not English, so please tell me things I can make better. Also if you don't like the story don't read it, but don't start insulting people

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