ch 8- lossing control

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"Sir, KAREN says that peter Is unconscious with a 39,7 degree fever that is raising at a dramatic rate" said F.R.I.D.A.Y

I bolted out of bed with Steve, and Natasha came running in

"Tony, I think peter is in a bad condition, he hasn't come back yet, and I called him for the 20th time and when he answered he was crying, mumbling something like help. It was as if he was to weak to speak. Please track him" hurried Natasha crying. By now everyone was on our room. Bruce was getting medbay ready, Clint was comforting nat , Bucky was helping Steve that was having a panic attack and pepper was tracking peter.

I got my suit in a second with nano tech and flew out the window, breaking it

"Okay tony, I sent you his location" said pepper with panic clear in her voice

I went over the location and found him, in a puddle of sweat and pee, in top of a rooftop. He was unconscious. I quickly picked him up and flew over to the tower.

I laid him in a bed and got out of the suit. He had a 40, 9 degree fever and rising, I had to give him a really strong medicine. It will make him weaker for the next 72 h, but his fever can be lethal. And with that I put him an Iv with medicine. Everyone was really worried for him. Half of the group was crying, and the other half trying to comfort them

" Guys I know its difficult to see him like this, but we have to stay strong, for him" I said with tears threatening to fall. "could someone get me some of his diapers? I don't want to be changing his bed constantly."


I slowly started opening my eyes. My legs hurt, my stomach burned, I couldn't breathe properly. I didn't feel my legs, and my head was about to explode. Once I opened my eyes, I was confused. How did I end up in medbay?. Then it all came back rushing . The injection. I opened my eyes, only to puke the only things left in me. I was feeling so weak. I looked around me to find uncle Rhodey asleep in a chair and Mom working in her tablet next to me

" M'mma?" I asked weakly

" Peter?, oh my god, how are you feeling honey? " She asked concerned for the boy

"Whatsss w'rnggg wthhh mmmmmeeee" I asked feeling as if I said something else, I would puke my whole stomach. Since the world was spinning for me I decided to close my eyes and relax. Not to sleep, but to relax

" Oh honey. We don't know, Tony came with you 2 days ago, and uncle Bruce is investigating whats wrong. He says it's a virus of some kind, and him and your dad are looking for a cure" She said with sadness clear in her voice

Once I regained a little force, I told her I was feeling tired " 'mmmm tireeedd"

" Oh baby, go to sleep. After all you do need some rest" She told me calmly while faking a smile

I closed my eyes, and fell asleep instantly.


Peter was so weak. After he drifted off, I sat in my chair and started crying. What if he doesn't make it of of this one. I mean this virus would've killed him if he wasn't spiderman. I started sobbing. I couldn't bare to see my baby boy like that. I mean , why him, hes so young and happy. Hes like a little angel going through torture. Suddenly I felt 2 arms around me, then 4 , then 6, then 8 . Until we were all in a huge hug, even Rhodey, who had woken up when he heard Peter.

" Hes so weak" I told the group in between sobs

" I know, but I found something" said Bruce. All our attention was on him "You see , this virus isn't contagious, as you already know, however it reproduces throughout his body. So if we weren't able to stop it, in about 4 days he would have too much particles to live. The virus is a mutation of 6 virus together in a super particle. I found a way to stop its reproduction and beat 3 of the 6 virus. However this 'cure' would make a part of his body would loose. You guys need to choose whether its his legs, arms, chest, stomach or head. If it was a leg, he wouldn't be able to move it for 1 month. And maybe he would even be left like that for the rest of his life. His arms would be the same. His head would be the worst option, as he wouldn't be able to talk, see , ect. In his chest would be okay, however he wouldn't be able to use his arms properly, because as you know he has muscles there that help his arms movement. And he would also loose a bit of control in his lungs, as they are big, this medicine will affect them more. So he would have to walk with an oxygen bottle. Our last option would be his stomach. His vital organs would be intact, however, his bowel and bladder would loose most of the control. But that's it, as I will inject it in his appendice, that will take all the immobility, and then we would remove the appendix. Now its upp to you, but I suggest we decide within the next 30 mins, as it may be too ,late afterwards"

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