ch 4- adopted and discovered

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~~~~The next week

The 3 of them were the perfect family, peter had started calling the mom and dad, maybe even daddy and mommy when he was sleepy. So it was decided, they were in the adoption department ( in the place where people adopt children), they had just finished the session and were walking out


I was still super excited, I mean I just got adopted by the 2 people I love the most. When we got there, It was already late, but I decided to go out sipdermaning. When we got there mum and dad went to bed. We had already talked about how I had wet the bed every day in the last 1 week, and They said that I had to wear pull ups. I mean I already knew that that was going to happen, so I didn't say anything. I got into bed, and 30 mins after , I went out through the window.

It had been a week since the last time I went out. I had already stopped 3 muggins and was stopping a robbery, when two robbers started shooting . I dodged all the bullets, and webbed them up. I was calling the police, when bam bam . Two new robbers entered the bank and shot at the same time. I dodged one by going to the right, but the other one hit me right in the shoulder. I didn't have time to scream, because I heard the propulsors of dad. I went outside and climbed the building.

I was starting to get dizzy, but webbed the wound, making the blood flow continue correctly. However, when dad shot a propulsor at me I didn't have time to dodge it as I was webbing my shoulder. It hit me in the back. I lost balance, and when I was in the floor, the mjólnir was launched at my other shoulder. I heard a crack and screamed in pain. Suddenly hulk grabbed my foot and started using me as a punching bag. He stopped,and dropped me. I got up really dizzy and I started walking slowly and losing balance form time to time. I coudnt hear anything. My vision already had black spots, when captain America pushed me to the ground

"Clint stop, hes already down" yelled captain America while holding a shield in my chest braking my ribs

However, It was too late and he let go of his arrow, that exploded in my ear, making me go even dizzier. I couldn't see because of the amount of black dots. Suddenly I noticed how someone took my mask

"PETER WHAT THE –" was all I heard before blacking out completely.


"PETER WHAT THE FUCK " I yelled with panic in my voice. My kid, my kid was probably dying from blood loss. I still hadn't fixed things up with captains team, and started yelling at them uncontrollably, with panick clear in my voice

"Hey Tony , I don't know who he is , but he looks loke he needs urgent medical attention, so shut your mouth. Also, who can be so important to the ignorant playboy Tony Stark" Said Captain with as much sass as possible. A tear ran down my cheek. I new he hated me, but that really hurt me. I quickly grabbed peter and flew off, but not before saying "my son you mother fucker"


After what tony said I kept the quiet. I mean I hate Tony, but I feel so guilty. I know that he did all the things of the accords because it was the best for us, and I was irresponsible and didn't read them correctly. I was angry at Tony because of what he said to Bucky and I hurt him physically, and because after the fight he didn't even talk to me, I was still mad

"Guys, I saw a bullet in his leg, and we beat him up pretty bad, I think we really fucked up. I mean he cant be over 12 years old. I feel really guilty " stated Natasha almost crying

Everyone agreed but I still was angry ant Tones. I don't really know why, I was just angry

" He did it himself" I stated coldly

" what the fuck steve, you crushed a 12 years old ribs, 12 FUCKING YEARS, and don't begin with your bullshit, you left Tony in a 2 month coma after the fight because you weren't enough of an adult to read all the accords. Risking your friends lifes, who all went to jail. Tony gave you another chance and you fucking blew it. And he is even letting us stay in the tower with 4 floors to ourselves. I don't know about you but Im fucking checking on the boy. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself" stated Nat, and with that she left. And one by one, they all started leaving. Even Hulk. When Clint was left he said to me

" Hey get your shit together, because you just mess up always, and tony always gives you chances. Today you blew it again, but you can make it up to him"


Peter had been unconscious for 3 days. Pepper and Tony hadn't left the room he was in, not even to sleep. They had brought 2 mattresses and slept there

I slowly opened my eyes to be met by a crying Tony" Dad?" I asked, my throat really sore for not being used in days

"Pumpkin? Oh my, don't ever do that again. Your mother and I were afraid you wouldn't wake up" and with that he engulfed me in a tight hug" I love you "

Because of my enhanced healing, I was able to leave medbay, However I had to stay in my bed all day.

Dad carried me there, because I was too weak to walk. Once I got there, I noticed I had a pull up

" Dad , do I have to wear a pull up?" I asked embarrassed

" Yeah, you wet the medbay bed, so we placed you in a pull up by the way, are you wet?"

" I don't know" I answered sincerely, you rally couldn't tell. Dad came close and touched the inside of the pull up

"Its soakedddd " he said

My cheeks became red from the embarrasement, but I knew I had to get used to it. Dan got another pull up and took of my pants. He removed the wet pull up , cleaned all my crotch, powdered it and he placed a clean pull up.

" Im not going to place pants to check you easily, okay bud?, well Im gonna get mum for you, she cant wait to see you" and with that my father left

I couldn't wait to see mom, however, I couldn't keep my eyes open , so I let darkness consume me

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