ch 3- bedwetting and new posible family

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3 weekes passed by, and it was peters best time in his life. The avengers didn't catch peter , in fact, he learned all their fighting tecniques and was able to beat them easily. Furthermore, He and Mr Stark were super united, he was becoming peters father figure. He went every day, from 4 to 9 and on weekends, from 11 am to 8 pm. He ate every day at least two meals with him, and pepper was like the mother she never had. However, Peter had started bedwetting, which meant that he had a pj pant and an underwear that he would wear every night, and got wet EVERY NIGHT.When Mr Stark found out about Peters living situation, he asked for him to live with him, so he was really stressed out

He was already in the tower, getting ready for bed, praying that he wouldn't wet the bed. Once he was ready, he laid peacefully at bed before falling asleep instantly. He woke up at 5 , due to his bed being wet. He had also gotten wet the new pjs that Da-Mr Stark had gotten him. He got all the wet sheets and went into the laundry room, however, in his way there, he tripped over the Roomba which made a big noise, making Tony see what was wrong, leaving the conversation with pepper mid-air. He went to see what was wrong and found peter crying (because Tony saw him) in a wet pj and with wet sheets.


When I saw him, I got really worried, however, when I noticed his wet sheets, I scooped him like if he was a toddler and went to another guest room. I laid him in bed and started comforting him. In 5 mins he was out. Which meant I had to change his pj pants.

I quickly got up and grabbed some new pants and underwear. I took off his pants and wet underwear, and put him in clean ones. As I thought, apart from looking as a 10 year old but being 15, he still hadn't hit puberty.

I took a quick look before closing the door and going over to keep my conversation with pepp

"So, what do you think?" I asked confidently

"I would love to- I mean, he is a sweet kid, kind, intelligent, but I am worried that you don't want to, so I need you to tell me if you really want to and if you think you are ready" Pepper said anxious for my answer

"Well, I am totally in love with peter, I mean I already see him as a my kid, and I Personally think that I am more than ready. I really want to start a new chapter in my life, it being a dad. I want to be the one to comfort him at night, the one to say that accidents happen you know?" I answered confidently. I mean I had met this kid almost month ago

" What do you mean by accident?" asked pepper curiously

"weeell... he might be a bedwetter" I said embarrassed for the kid " aaaawwwwww, that is sooo cuteeeee, I mean imagin that cinnamon roll in a diaper at night timeeee" said pepper exaggerating" well good night Tones""goodnithe hun'"

And with that, the fell asleep


The next morning I was awoken by Tony , and I was wet again, I mean how do I have so much liquid in me? Mr- stark said that I didn't need to worry about it, probably because he didn't want to push me and said that we needed to talk about something

" So Mr Stark , what did you want to talk about?" I asked curious about what we are talking about

"Well, you Know how you told me about not having family?, well Pepper and me have been talking about how much you've grown on us, and how much we love you, and well, How would you like about us taking custody of you, like becoming your legal guardian. We wouldn't be your parents, If you think we are replacing May an-"Tonys rambling was interrupted by a happy peter engulfing him in a big bear.


I was so happy. He said yeeeeess!

I could also tell he was very very happy, because he went running to pepper in the kitchen in the wet pjs.

Pepper was also happy, she picked up peter and brought him to his room to get him changed


When I picked up peter, he was so light. Like inhumanly light, but I didn't really think of it at the moment. I started going to get him changed out of his wet pjs. When I started undressing him, he started blushing madly, but didn't say anything. But because I didn't want him to be uncomfortable, I left him and went to start a bath.

When the bath was ready, I got out and found peter in his bed totally naked, swinging his legs anxiously waiting for his bath. He was so cute, like a he literally looked like 10 year old, and he didn't even blushhh!! Like I HAVE SUPER MOM POWERS. He went to the bath. Afterwards, we had lunch, because we all woke up at 12 oclock, and I went to work whilw the two boys wet to the lab. It was already 7 oclock when I finished work and the boys where still working, so I decided to start dinner. I made lasagna and called the boys. Peter drank a lot of water, and Tony must have noticed, because he old him to go to the bathroom before going to bed. We decided to start a film, and peter was asleep 40 mins after. Tones and I finished the movie, and when we finished, Peter had a large wet spot in his pants, because he didn't go to the bathroom after diner. We got him in his room, without him waking up and changed him and tucked him in bed

Both of us kissed him and said in unison "goodnighte love"

"G-night dad and mom" Mumbled peter

We got to our room and starteddd

" Oh my gooood, he is soooo cute Tony, Did you hear him he said MOM AND DADDD!" I yelled in excitement

" SHHHHHH, youll wake him up" he said barely containing the exciting himself" about the wetting stuff, I'm getting him diapers, 'cause I don't think pull ups will contain it. We can wait about a week, and if it doesn't stop well be ready"

"Yeah, but also get him pull ups, you know , just in case. Alsooooo, what do you think about getting him cute diapers. Actually, this is my call, tomorrow I'm getting his measurements and I'm getting him cute diapers" I answered confidently

After that we both went to bed

2 Days went by, and every time peter slept itwould happen, so today before getting him into bed I got his measurements. Icalled a company that did adult diapers, and got 200 diapers, with Iron man ,Spiderman and hulk, and 110 pull ups

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