ch 14 unbroken

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I hadn't eaten in almost 7 days. I had learned to not let my body heal after aunt may died. When I felt unwanted by everybody, including my parents, I decided it was the best thing to do. I was too afraid to commit suicide. I was laying on my 'new home', when some weird ass dude appeared and handcuffed me in magnetic handcuffs. They immediately attached to the bin next to me.

" what the fuck dude?" I said tired

" hello peter. Or should I say spiderman. You might not remember me, what about now" he took off his mask. It was Liz's dad. He had burns all over his face.

" What do you want" I wasn't really afraid of death, as I new I was going to die sooner or later, but I still was scared, and didn't do a good job at hiding it

" Well, you teared my family away, now its my turn" he said mischievously. He pulled a gun out of his pocket "You see, this baby has venom bullets. I am going to shoot at you, and your bullet will be stuck in your cornea, but it wont do any damage. However, the venom will place you in a coma. Doctors will think it was the bullet, and you will die within the next 180 hours because the venom will deactivate your lungs. It will make your brain forget how to breathe. You wont be in any pain, but your family, on the other hand, will suffer for what you have done"


Pain and darkness is all I felt. Suddenly, I woke up. Everything was black. Beep, beep, beep. I could hear a distant beep. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my hand on it. I then heard a familiar voices. Then it hit me. I was in the coma, but I could hear them

"'gasp' what happened to you pete" I heard dad say and start crying. I could hear all of their crying. At first I was puzzled. Did they actually care for enough to look for me out in the streets. Where they actually in pain because of me?

Everyday, my family would take 12 h shifts, and keep me company. They usually told me stories, sometimes they would apologise to me

" Hey Pete. I know you cant hear us, but I'm really sorry. I didn't see what was happening. None of us did. Harley tried to warn us that we were abandoning you, but we were too happy having fun that we forgot about you. I won't ever forgive myself if you die, so please, for the love of god wake up" by this time, dad was in tears "I need my baby , I need the kid who covered his brothers punishment without even knowing him. I need you to be strong and wake up, please. We need you"

A lot of apologies were heard. I hadn't heard about bruce, but my aunt Nat had told me that he was working on something. He didn't explain on what, he would just mumble, 'not sense' 'why a coma' all the time, so I guess that was how uncle Bruce grieved. I didn't know how much time I had been out, because I didn't have a clock or anything, and on one day, Harley came

" Hey little bro. Dad has been blaming himself lately. He thinks its his fault for abandoning you, and because you felt unwanted, you made your body stop healing, and that is why you are like this. Dad tried to kill himself today. Don't worry about him, he is okay. But if you can hear me, fight it. Fight for your life. Imagine in what pain we will be if something happens. Mom hasn't slept in days, and has panick attacks when we talk about you. We need you back please." He was crying at the end.

That was my signal. I was angry at my family, sure, but they didn't have to suffer because of me, and much less die. I let a tear fall off my cheek


I was about to leave Peters room with bucky and Steve, when their faces suddenly changed from sadness to excitement. They started pointing to Peter. He was crying

" Petey pie? Can you hear us" We spent 15 minutes asking questions, we gave up, and then he curled his finger

" Oh my god peter, that's it keep fighting. We need you to fight. Just fight" I said

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