ch 13- broken

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This chapter is super  long, I hope you like it, and I promise next chapter will be less depressing


"Okay, I don't think it's a good idea to have 20 students in a room, so its better that you go out there right?" Dad said while helping me up

After I got out, everyone started asking questions. MJ must've seen my sensory overload, because she shushed everyone instantly.

" Guys, one by one" She yelled so that everyone could hear her

" Pete, how come you had been shot, and in 3 days you were in perfect shape, and yesterday you were in an explosion, and you also seem great, and you just blacked out because of blood loss 30 min ago, and here you are, as good as new" commented my teacher

Well fuck. I wasn't expecting to have to explain my alter ego. I looked over to my dad to ask him if I should explain my alter ego, and he just nodded.

"Well, you guys know spiderman?" I asked and everyone noded " Well, there is a slight chance that I am spiderman?"

Everyone burst out laughing. I jumped and stuck to the ceiling. That shushed everyone

" Okay Parker, anymore secrets?" asked Flash while everyone looked in shock

" Yeah, Peter is my son. Well Peppers and I, so don't ever, and I mean ever, mess with my kid again. Is that understood Eugene Thompson?" said my father sternly

" Yeah Mr Stark, clear" He said. I would've expected him to be scared of my dad, but then I remembered, and he had already had 'the talk', so it wasn't as scary now.

" Okay, after the events of today, I have already talked to your parents and the school, and you'll be going home today The bus is already waiting. . Ned, MJ and Liz, I tried convincing your parents if you could stay, but wasn't able to, sorry about that And also, whatever you heard today, It cant get out of this circle. No one is to know about my sons identity. So if you say something, I will find you and make sure your life is a living hell" said my father sternly

" Why don't you want them to know, I mean its not like if they try o kidnap you they will be able to, youre spiderman" asked Cindy shocked

" Do you know how it feels like to not be able to go outside because of the press?" Said my dad

A lot of 'aaaaahhhh' were heard

" Guys, I also expect you to treat me like nerdy Parker okay?, I'm still the same Puny Parker, just a different surname" I said while leading them to the elevator

After they all left, I went into my mother's office, where dad and mum were waiting to talk to me with pa and pops

" Peter. Remember the stories I told you about a boy named Harley? The one that saved me" asked Dad. I really didn't know where this was headed, and was too busy to think because of what happened with my class, so I just nodded. " Well, His parents died, and he cant pay his rent with his sister, and has asked me if he could stay here. So, he will be staying here for a time. And I have been talking with your pops and mum here, and we think this is a perfect opportunity for you to have an older sibling. It isn't decided yet, but it is propable that within the next days, we will become Harleys guardians. At the Tower we all know Harley and we are all very close, as he has come here throughout the years, and I am sure youll love him. So ready to meet him" explained my dad. By the end I was bouncing in my seat. Hell yeah, an older sibling

We all went into the living room


Every year I spend two weeks with Tony and his family. I mean we are very close. SO when my sister told me about how my job and her 2 jobs weren't enough I decided to ask for help. I have been living in the tower secretly for 7 days, and today , Steve, Tony , Bucky and pepper had a talk with me. They were gonna become my legal guardians. I was so happy. My sister could have a normal life, and I could have parents.

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