ch 7, patrol went wrong

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Sooooo, this chapter is a bit short, but I'm gonna be uploading 2 or 3 more chapters today enjoyyyyyy. I was thinking next chapter to do the come back to school, and then the next one, a super field trip. The field trip would be more than one chapter, and Peter would develop an unexpected friendshippp




A gunshot could be heard through all of queens. Peter had left his house angry, after a discussion with uncle Ben. Suddenly everyone started screaming and running away. Peter's spidey sense told him 'uncle danger' 'uncle danger'. At this Peter started panicking, running to his uncles direction. Once he got there , he saw his uncle laying on the ground with a bullet in his chest

"Why Peter why, I was ony lecturing you, why did you run" He said weakly

"No Ben Don't die, dont leave me . Im sorry don't do it again don't leave me, pleaseee" Begged Peter sobbing

Suddenly Ben disappeared. He was flying next to a skyscraper. There was his Aunt May, on the edge

"Peter, I don't have money for you, you eat too much, and the rent is too much. I tried , I really did, Im sorry" She jumped. I used a web to get her, but I was 1 second late, I killed her

Suddenly It was all black, Ben appeared."You killed me Peter, it was you, if you weren't so stubborn and if you hadn't run away I would be alive. Youre a murderer. Everyone around you dies, don't you see? So be smart and don't let the avengers die you selfish boy " yelled Ben " Im sorry ben, Im so so sorry" cried peter

" Well what good does it do to be sorry if we are already dead" said May coldly" You had to eat so much didn't you? If you just made a little sacrifice I would've been able to pay rent, but no, you selfish brat""Im sorry Mayyy please make it stoop'sob'" Cried petter hugging his knees

" You killed us all, because you are so selfish" said all the avengers, his aunt , uncle, parents, Ned and MJ." Selfish disgrace"

"Make it stop please, Im sorry pleaseeee, make it stoooooooppp" He yelled crying even more


"Sir, it seems that young peter is in distress and is having a severe panick attack" stated F.R.I.D.A.Y . I bolted out of bed, with steve and ran to peters room. One second later, Bucky and Pepper entered the room. Peter was sweating in bed crying yelling " Im sorry" We couldn't get him to get up, so I ran for wanda. She ran to the room and started fiddeling with her fingers, eyes glowing red.

"Okay, that should make him not have any other nightmares for the next phew hours" stated Wanda

By this point we were all in Peters room. Peter had already stopped crying, but was still super sweaty

" By how bad the nightmare was, he must have messed his diaper, poor guy. He doesn't get a rest does he?" Said bucky while clint went to get a diaper and the necessary things to change him. Once he finished changing him I said " Im staying here, so that if he needs anything Ill be here, 'k guys" I said confidently

"Sure, but try and get some sleep" said Steve before walking out of his room

One by one they all left, and soon, I was sleeping cuddled with Peter


I woke up at 11 feeling refreshed. I got out of my wet diaper, and went to the kitchen. Everyone was already there.

After finishing, I really wanted to go out on patrol

"Guys Imma go on patrol kay' Ill probably have lunch outside, be back by 8 'kay?" I said walking to my room

" Sure Peter, get some money from my purse, it should be on my closet" Said pepper smiling fondly at peter

"Bye" said peter

"Bye" answered everyone in unison

Peter got changed into his suit and jumped out of the window. It had been 2 days since the last time he went out on patrol. He was in a free fall, the refreshing wind against his face

"KAREN, any crime at the moment" asked peter " It seems that there are currently 2 bank robberies" answered KAREN," Well what bank has more money" he asked trying to decide where to help " the one in the 5th avenue has 4 times more money

And with that he headed to that bank. He entered and found 20 people in the ground, and 3 armed guys. There seemed to be a civilian that had been shot, so peter told the ambulance guys to be ready. With that he entered, webbing 2 of the 3 guys to the ground. The third one started shooting aimlessly, and peter soon had him also webbed to the ground. Suddenly 2 new robbers appeared from the money safe and started shooting at peter. But before anything happened, he jumped at them. He backflipped, placing himself beind the first robber, and quickly took away his gun

"Yoink, my gun" he said. Before he had time to react, the other robber shot him, but the bullet only scratched him"hey, that's RuDe, YoU CaNt JuSt Go ArOuNd KiLLiNg pEOplE" Said peter actually annoyed by the robber. He webbed him up, ran to the hurt civilian. Thankfully the bullet was in his leg, so nothing bad would happen to him. He picked the civilian up and ran to the ambulance before swinging away

"Thanks spiderman , youre our herooooo" said a little girl and everyone cheered with her

He had stopped quite a phew muggings, some car crashes, 2 bank robberies, and stopped 3 car persecutions. It was 8:20, so he decided to go home.

Suddenly, his senses went haywire, and out of the blue, 10 bullets went for him at the same time. He was able to dodge 8, but it was physically impossible to dodge them all. However, he noticed that the shooters left. WeIrD, and they weren't actual bullets, They were like a serum. Suddenly, he couldn't budge, he was paralyzed. He started to feel dizzy. 1 h had passed, and he still couldn't move, but he was gaining mobility. He could tell he was getting a fever, as he was feeling like shit, and was cold. He had already puked 3 times and was crying about how bad he actually felt


"Guys Im worried, Its 9: 20, he should have been here a long time ago" I said worriedly

" Hey, you know him, hes worrkinnggg, and hes probably in a job right now, so go to bed, Ill make sure he comes safe" said natasha

"Okay, if hes hurt wake me up" I said, and we all went to sleep


Peter was still crying, his body felt like shit, and hurt so much. It had been 6 h, it was 4 in the morning and he couldn't get to move. He had gotten 19 lost calls from natasha, but he couldn't talk. He was like paralised.

"Natasha is calling for the 20th time, Im answering the call, as it is protocol" Said KAREN

"Peter what the fuck Ive been 6 hours waiting were the fuck are youuuu" yelled natasha, wich made him wince

" mm'mmm mm'm mmm'mm" peter tried to talk, but couldn't, so he kept crying

" Oh my god peter, why are you crying are you okay" she asked worriedly

"Nnnn'mmmiiii hhhhhh'llllppppp" he cried giving up

" Peter that's it Im traking you" said Nat worriedly

That was the last thing he heard before blacking out, probably because of the increasing fever

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