ch 16 family love

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"I'm ti'rddd" he said weakly

"Go to sleep buddy, you need the rest. Bruce says that you'll be able to walk in the next 3 days, but you'll still be as weak as hell " I said moving the curls of his forehead with my thumb. Not three seconds after, the small snore could already be heard


3 days had already passed. Bruce said that Peter would need 3 days to walk, however, yesterday he was already walking with help, so in a day, he should be able to walk alone.

He had started eating already, so I decided to make him a super breakfast. I baked some bread and toasted it, made some pancakes with chocolate chips and strawberries, made some orange juice, prepared the table and opened the windows in the room. It was still dark outside, so I decided to wait, and have breakfast while watching the sun rise through new yourk. Our living room was about 5 m high. It was big , but cozy. The table was big, but not king sized. The windows went from ceiling to floor, and we had 3 lamps, hanging from the rectangular ceiling.

I had an hour to kill, so I decided that I would get some presents for Peter. We still hadn't taken away the decorations. The building next to the tower was a Mall. I didn't have much time, but I knew what I was buying and where. I bought a bunch of science pun tshirts, pants, sweaters, and 3 shoes. I got his some games for the PlayStation, a knew iphone and the new Minecraft skins. I also got him some star wars posters, and 4 lego sets.

I had 15 mins left, so I ran upstairs, grabbed a sharpie and started putting in sharpie in the wrapping paple of each present a different name. I had brought enough presents to have 3 presents from each individual of the family for peter.

F.R.I.D.A.Y, play baby shark in each room excepts peters, and tell them the plan and who has each present, so when peter asks they have an idea of what they are talking about " I said to F.R.I.D.A.Y and ran to get Peter, I didn't want him to miss the sun rising.

I got into the room to find a peaceful peter smiling in his sleep. He had already regained his skin colour. Before he woke up I decided to change his very soiled diaper. I would normally gag, but had gotten used to it, as gagging would only upset peter more and embarrass him even more. I even enjoyed it. Who wouldn't like to take care of that cinamon' roll. Once I finished changing him, I shaked him gently for him to wake up

He mumbled something incoherent, and said sleepy. He was adorable. However, it was only 4 mins till sunrise, so I scooped him up baby stile so that he could rest his head in my chest, and got going. We were entering the room, and everyone was already waiting in the table for us.

I placed him in the ground, and he started rubbing his eyes with his fists. He mumbled something, and opened his eyes.

"Its Beautiful" He said smiling widely. He then ran to me and hugged me. I hugged him back. We had come at the perfect time. There wasn't a lot of light. Only a quarter of the sun could be seen, it had the prefect illumination, and because the room was all window, it was even more beautiful. We sat and started eating while chatting like a happy family.

"Soooo, How are you feeling petey pie" asked Aunt Nat while placing a few bacon strips on his plate

" I feel awesome, but my left leg doesn't. I mean I already healed everything except that. Im also feeling more tired than usual, as my body is concentrating my energy in the leg" He said while putting a mouthful of pancakes in his tiny mouth

" My poor baby boy" Said Mom cooing

" Moooooommmm, Im not a babyyyyyy" He pouted

We all started laughing, he just reddened in emvarrassment

" Well, you are 3,7 inches tall, and you are wearing a diaper, sooooo, that tells other wise" I laughed

" Hey, this is bullying" he laughed. After lunch, we called a cleaner to clean everything, and I told everyone to prepare to give out his presents

" So Pete, we though that since we missed Christmas, this would be Christmas. We had the big family meal, do you know what comes after?" I asked smiling.

Suddenly, Peters eyes widened with excitement "PRESSENTS" He yelled

We all laughed at peters excitement , I picked him up and brought him to the tree.

"So Pete, you have 3 presents from each one. Choose first" I said

" The biggest" He yelled. I handed him the biggest. I had bought a city of legos. It had 1 298 000 pieces, and it occupied a whole room. I had the room prepared. I handed him a letter that had the photo inside

" I said the biggest" He pouted

" It is the biggest by difference" I laughed. He looked at me confused. He ripped the letter open, and read the information


"What is it" everyone asked confused

" It is the biggest set on the world, It is a new York city in legos. It has more than a million pieces. Its like every lego's fan dream" He said while smiling hugely at us

He opened all the remaining presents. By the end he was so excited, but he looked like a zombie from the tiredness

" Can we build the legos" He asked with puppy eyes. I had planed on letting him, but he was too tired, and I didn't want him to become like dad, not sleeping because of work

" Actually, I thought that we could see a movie and spend quality time together" I suggested. We got to the living and started watching harry potter. I started ruffling peters hair, and he cuddled with me in my lap. 10 mins after, you could hear his small snores.

After the movie ended, They went to make lunch and prepare the table, and left me to change Peter and wake him up. I decided to change him first. He has a fast metabolism, which means he poops twice as more than us, so every 4 hours, he has to be changed . I shaked him up gently to wake him up

" mmmmmmm sleep" He said. I laughed at his reaction and took him to the living room in my arms. I know he would wake up due to the noise, so I just held him in my arms until he was fully awoken. However, I didn't expect for him to not wake up, he actually got to a deep sleep. We decided he was too tired and let him sleep. By 4 he was awake and bouncing. He and I decided to go to the lab and do another suit for me

We managed to do the coding and just had to shape the metal. It was 4 am and we were working. I turned around and saw him sleeping on the lab. I carried him to my room , changed him and cuddled with him until I was also asleep.

How did I get so lucky. Not only is he the best brother I could ask for, but also the smartest and cutest



This is not the end completely, maybe Ill upload another chapter once in a while, but I think that this story has gotten really far. I mean its only been a week and I have +700 reads. I couldn't have asked for more. I will be uploading more chapters in the future, or maybe do another spiderson story, but for now, this story has come to an end as I don't have many ideas on how to continue it. I will be doing a new story, about a 10 year old that has been abused by his dad, and moves to his mothers boyfriends house, where he has 4 older brothers who hate him and hurt him, but as the story goes on, they show brotherly love, until they are the perfect family.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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