ch 11- No control :( /fieldtrip-1

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We all woke up at 9:30 because of F.R.I.D.A.Y "It seems that Master Parkers class will be arriving in 30 minutes. I recommend you to go to the kitchen were boss has requested your presence"

After hearing this, we all got up and went to the kitchen in our pajamas. When we entered we all sat down on the table with Pepper and Bucky, while peter went to the sofa and sat next to Natasha.

We all started eating, and within 15 minutes, we were all going down to meet up with our class. They were already talking to our guide. I recognized the guide. His name is Michael. I knew him because him, his siter Michaela and peter were super friends.

"Nice of you to join us Ned. I've already been told that you three have your own passes. Im Michael by the way. I knew Ned, but Im guessing youre MJ, and you lizz? " He asked while talking to them

"how did you know" asked liz " well peter always tells me about how MJ is super friendly, but once she gets angry she can be a demon" he laughed " so yeah, she might look a bit scary" We all laughed at this, Even MJ

" Okay , lets get going" he said, and passed through the door

" Michael bloom, intern on gamma radiation, level 5" said F.R.I.D.A.Y

Everyone was scared, even the Mr Harrington

"don't worry guys, that's F.R.I.D.A.Y, she runs the whole tower" said Michael

" Sorry to interrupt but that is incorrect MR Bloom. Mr Parkers room and his floor is runned by my dearest friend KAREN, also, Ms Parker has asked for your presence in his private lab, you have now access to floor 96. He has asked me to tell you to bring your sister and tell him before you get there so he can get ready" said F.R.I.D.A.Y

"Ohhhhh, okay, so Parker is the highest intern here and has a private lab in floor 96. If you guys behave we will be able to go there after lunch. I assure you guys its worth it. You might see him working in a spiderman suit, or even on a Iron-man suit" said Michael smiling fondly

A lot of 'coool's could be heard. MJ, Liz and I snickered at this.

After the shock of the conversation, Flash ran to the door to be the first to go through it

"Eugene Thomphson, level 1, visitor" said F.R.I.DA.Y

Everyone got through until it was our turn

"Welcome back Ned, level 5+, access granted to all floors, Mr parkers guyinthechair level. Should I inform Peter of your arrival" asked F.R.I.D.A.Y "no need F.R.I.D.A.Y" I said keeping my cool

"Welcome back Liz, level 5+, access granted to all floors, Mr Parkers nicefriend level. Should I inform Peter of your arrival?" asked F.R.I.D.A.Y "Ummmmm sure, tell him not to forget to help Michaela" said Liz

" Welcome back MJ, level 5+, access granted to all floors. Mr Parkers bigsister. Should I inform Peter of your arrival " F.R.I.D.A.Y asked " No need Friday" said MJ while reading her book.

"What does level 5+ means" asked Cindy curiously

"Well, here we have different levels. 1 is for visitors, 2 is for low interns, and higher interns families, 3 is for cleaners and normal interns, 5 is for high interns, and 5+ ,correct me if Im wrong Ned, is for Peters friends, level 6 is for low security guards, level 7 is for high security levels, level 8 is for the government, level 9 is for the avengers and Happy, the head of security and Mr Potts personal manager. Finally we have level 10, for Mr Stark , Steve Rodgers, Bucky aka the winter soldier , pepper potts and another individual. They have the same access level than the avengers, except that they can access to Mr starks private floor, Ms potts private floor and Peters private floor, where we will be going today, because his lab is there.

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