ch 10 sleepover

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Time skip next day after school (sorry laziness won this battle) brought by our friend VOb


"So guys, I already had happy get your suitcases ( clothes for 4 days, as they were staying 1 day with peter and 3 days with the field trip), and you will all be spending the night in Peter's room. I removed peters bed, and put 4 mattresses on the floor. That should be more than enough for you guys to sleep comfortably. Well lets get going" said my dad as we all got in the limo. We had to take the limo as pops and dad were picking us up, so we wouldn't fit in a car (they were 6)

" Mr Captain America, I just want to say that eventhough we've seen each other a lot of times, I still think that you are the most powerful avenger, and you also have the best background story. I'm sorry, I'm rambling but I just can stop talking " Commented Ned. We all laughed

" What do you mean he has the best background storyyyy, I got fucking kidnaped 3 months and built an armor out of scratch" said dad pouting "Language, no swearing in front of the cinnamon roll, you know it" said pops while still laughing at dad pouting

" Ned and MJ, you can choose to sleep in your rooms at the fieldtrip, sleep with your class or sleep in peters room. Liz, I got the cleaners to get you a new room, But it won't be ready, so you'll have to choose between peters room or your class" stated pops without taking his look on the road

" I think we can all sleep with Peter, that way you wont be lonely for 3 days, Right guys? " said MJ while ruffling peters hair

Once we got there, we all went into my room

"So, we the plan is : Ned and I are going to gather as many blankets and pillows as possible, MJ, you show Liz around, and then grab 5 bowls of different sweets, 3 of popcorns and as many drinks as you like. Ill get the family to get more mattresses"

20 minutes later, the floor of peters room was covered in mattress pillows and blankets, and everyone in the room had a bowl and a drink

" Everyone ready?" asked Steve

" Well, could someone please change me. I had an accident" I asked as shyly as I could, whispering as low as possible

" Do you think It can hold more pee, or do you need a change now? " asked Loki

" I actually went number two, and my bum hurts a lot" I said. It was in moments like that that I wanted to sink in the wall


"Oh well, what are we waiting for, lets go. Do you wanna come liz, I might need help to find everything" said MJ while winking at me

" I would love to" I answered. And with that, we all went to MJ's room

She had a changing table and everything necessary there, probably for ocations like these, where his room is being used

When I started cleaning his private part, he started whimpering, as if he was holding his tears in. I didn't understand why, but once I cleaned all the poop off, I understood why

" Oh my god peter, How much time have you been in that diaper" I asked concerned

" Since 3rd hour. I didn't want to be a burden" he said shyly

" Oh petee, You will never be a burden. How could you be 5 hours is a dirty diaper and not tell us" asked MJ while going to comfort crying peter. I mean I've never seen a diaper rash so bad. It looked horrible. I quickly got the cream and started applying some onto his butt. When my hand came in contact with his butt, he started sobbing , but after a 15 mins of crying a lot, he calmed himself


I've suffered in many occasions, and had many diaper rashes but this one by far hurt much more. It hurts more than a bullet wound, I swear if I die, It will be because of this. When we got into the room with everyone else, they all started asking what happened, as it was obvious because of my puffy eyes and my frequent hiccups I had been crying before. I sat next to pops and Liz and we started to wach the film. I found myself drifting off in the 3rd one, and instead of trying to fight it off, I just gave in and closed my eyes cuddled with liz


Peter was super cute. We were at the 3rd film, when I noticed some extra weigh in my side. I moved my head and saw a cute sleeping peter. I decided to let him sleep there instead of moving him to his bed.

We watched 6 films, and decided to go to bed without having dinner as we had eaten lots of things. I lifted peter up and went to MJ's room. I laid him in bed and returned to peters room. Everyone was picking up pillows and blankets tidying the room for the sleepover. 20 minuets after, everyone was already in their room , so Ned went to get Peter while we finished tyding up the room.

Ned came back with Peter already woken up.

"Petya, your dad said to change you now, as you had another 'big accident' while sleeping. Come here and let's get this over with" commented MJ while patting the changing table for peter to get on. Once peter heard 'big accident' he blushed hardly. I guess he didn't notice it until now.

MJ finished the change, and we started talking. It was currently 2am, and suddenly, Ned asked" Peter, how are you going to wear the suit without anybody, you know...noticing"

Peters face suddenly lighted up . He ran to his closet, and grabbed the suit " Well dad and I have added 'false extra muscle' to the suit, so the diaper will look as if it is my gluteus" he then took of his t-shirt, and because he didn't have any pants, he got in the suit. It was incredible. You actually couldn't notice it

" Also because I sometimes spend a lot of time in the suit, and wont be able to change, the part of my crotch has a protocol, that if it gets wet, the liquid will pass to the outside without wetting the interior of my suit, nor me" he said smiling fondly. He the yawned

" Hey peter, what do you say we get ready for bed" I proposed, knowing that peters body would appreciate it. I dug in his closet, and found a ironman footed sleeper. I thought it was the best, as it would keep peter warm.

Peter was super tired, so MJ started helping getting his suit off. After wards, he put his two legs in the sleeper, and put his hands up, to help me get his arms in. I closed the sleeper, and tucked him in. Seconds later, you could hear little snores coming from him

We all went into bed " He is super cute when he sleeps isn't he?" asked MJ

"he sure is" I said smiling remembering his face while sleeping. I fell asleep instantly


I'm sorry for the short chapter. I'm currently working on the next one. Hopefully, I can manage to get two more chapters today. I just wanted to make a cute chapter of baby peter

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