Time for Choices

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Quote of the Chapter

"A true hero conjures the strength of the gods; not from without but from within. They know how to battle evil; they must sometimes become the thing they fight against. And history will never die; for it lives steadfast in a true hero's heart." ~ Anonymous


Everyone was back in the big house, all the cabin leaders, the Hunters and the wizards sitting or standing around the ping pong table. 

Percy stood up. "Alright guys this is the game plan. Reyna, Frank, Jason, Hazel and Piper will head to Hogwarts with my cousins." 

"What are you gonna do, Prissy?" Clarisse asked, fiddling with her knife. 

Percy looked at her and hung his head. "I have to go to Tartarus and gain an audience with the nymph Styx." 

Outraged protests erupted. Percy put his hand up and looked around, into everyone's. Most looked down but his closest friends kept looking. All showing the same emotion. Sadness. 

"I have to do this guys, alone." 

"Not a chance, you think I am going to give you all the glory Prissy?" Clarisse said. 

"We are invisible from the sight of the gods Clarisse they can't watch you kill yourself when you are down there." Percy retorted. 

"I am going with kelp head." Thalia said. "We have capable hunters that will help the younger ones." 

"I will too." Nico responded. "I have been down there before, I will manage again." 

"You are the new leader of camp Nico, you can't." Will said teary eyed. 

Nico looked at him serious as ever. "I owe Percy. I have to." 

"It has been decided, this is the plan." Chiron interrupted before Percy could open his mouth, he shut it after Chiron's words as he clenched his jaw and walked out. 

"We better pack up pine cone face." Nico said as he to left with Thalia, Will right on his heels. 

Everyone slowly left leaving only the people going back to Hogwarts and Chiron in the room. 

"What is Tartarus and why is it so bad?" Ron asked, Hermione rolled her eyes but it was Jason who answered. 

"Tartarus is worse than Hell in our belief, it is full of ancient gods and where monsters are reborn. Demigods stink, we reek of our heritage so monsters can find us in public. Why most of us never leave our respective camps. Percy, Nico and Thalia are going to the most dangerous place in the world.They will be constantly hunted. Percy and Nico survived it once but Nico was alone and Percy had Annabeth. Who knows what will happen this time." 

"What happened to Annabeth? Percy never told us." Hermione asked. 

All the demigods and Chiron slumped in sadness. 

Reyna was the one to answer this time. 

"Percy was fighting Gaea, the literal Earth it's self. He got kicked back and shattered almost every rib he has. He was about to be killed when Annabeth jumped in front, kicked Gaea back but as she went to slash at Gaea. The Earth grabbed her arm as Gaea put her own sword through her chest, dead before she hit the ground. Percy couldn't even say goodbye." 

The wizards grew depressed for their friend, until Harry steeled his emotions and ran out of the door. Trying to track down Percy, he went to the Poseidon cabin to find nothing, than realised he was probably at the ocean, so he ran there to find to raven haired people on the beach talking in hushed whispers before the older man kissed the forehead of the younger one before disappearing in a flash of green. 

"Percy?" Harry called out. Percy turned and gave him a weak smile and motioned for him to sit beside him as Percy plopped onto the sand looking at the horizon. 

Harry sat beside his cousin in silence for a bit. Until Harry asked. 

"Are you afraid to die?" 

Percy kept looking a the horizon and uttered a single word. "No." 

Harry looked at his cousin. "Why not?" 

Percy sighed and looked at Harry. "You don't get it, Harry. You don't understand what it's like to live always at war, to grow up with battle and sacrifice. I guess it's not your fault. It's just how you were brought up but if my death means others can live. It is a sacrifice I am willing to make. Others have made it for me." A lone tear trickled out of his eye. 

"Living with the Dursley's I was constantly abused, it was hard." Harry replied bitterly. 

Percy nodded his head. "Yes it is hard, everyone here has been at some point. Step parent's hate us cause we are there or parents beat us cause our godly one has lost interest. I am not taking the fact you were abused lightly, it sucks. But until just recently you entered your first war, your first battle was a year ago. Demigods are born to fight, most of us don't realise until we are twelve but some are much younger." 

The cousins fell silent again. 

~Time skip One week~ 

Percy, Nico and Thalia were armoured up with their backpacks full Drachmae, Ambrosia, Nectar and bandages. 

Argus was in the van waiting. 

The wizards and the demigods came down also packed up. 

"Alright guys, see ya on the other side." Percy said as he hugged everyone as they all said their goodbyes. 

"Yea, be safe." Harry replied as they embraced. 

Nico snorted in amusement as he gave Will and awkward hug and a kiss. Everyone cooed as Nico broke away a bright vermilion colour on his usually olive coloured cheeks. Before grabbing Percy and Thalia and disappearing in a swirl of shadows. As the rest boarded the van to take them to the airport.  

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