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Song of the Chapter

In case you don't live forever ~ Ben Platt 

Quote of the Chapter

"Hope may be the thing that pulls you forward, may be the thing that keeps you going, but that it's dangerous, that it's painful and risky, that it's making a dare in the world and when has the world ever let us win a dare?"

― Patrick Ness, The Knife of Never Letting Go

Just wanted to shout out all the fans of my previous book! I didn't expect it to be that popular to be honest but a super special thanks to @GlaringAndStaring for an amazing comment love you all <3

Also sorry for the filler ;)


The wizards gasped in awe as they saw the camp as they passed through the invisible barriers and into camp, they saw some kids climbing a literally wall with lava pouring down it. Satyrs running around or playing volleyball with other kids, other children were either shooting arrows at targets or lounging on the grass chatting with friends. 

"This is so peaceful." Hermione sighed as she soaked in everything the wizards rooted to their spots as they gazed on the beautiful secluded part of long island. 

Before Percy could say anything another voice did. 

"It wasn't always like that, just ask kelp head." 

The Wizards smiled as they saw Thalia in her hunting gear smirking at them, Jason, Nico, Will and Hazel behind them with two other people they didn't recognize. One was a girl around seventeen with choppy brown hair with mulitcoloured eyes holding Jason's hand, the other was a shorter kid with black hair with a smudge of motor oil on his cheek with a smile on his face. 

The wizards hugged the demigods they met with the exception Ron, Fred and George who all gave Thalia a fist bump instead. 

Jason stepped forward pulling the girl with him. "This is my girlfriend Piper and our buddy Leo." said pointing to Leo. 

"Supreme commander of the Argo two at your service." Leo said as he took a bow, Piper slapped him upside the head but smiled at the wizards. 

"It is great to meet you guys, how long you here for?" Piper asked smiling. 

"The whole summer, these are the twins George and Fred and their siblings Ginny and Ron." Harry pointed out the Weasley siblings and continued on. "That is Hermione and I am Harry, Percy's cousin." 

Leo and Piper groaned in exasperation. "Great another one, who is your godly parent?" Piper asked. 

Harry looked at Percy confused who answered the question. "He isn't a demigod, his mother and my mother are sisters. But he is a wizard that is why he is here all of his friends, due to Rachel's prophecy. It is like how Jason and I got swapped but no gods were involved with this so we need to make sure we can get the demigods to help the wizards out with their war." 

"Why would we?" Leo asked before he noticed the glares then he backpedaled. "I mean they didn't help us with Gaea."

A new voice sprouted up from the familial demigods."We didn't know about your fight with Gaea son of Hephaestus, so watch your tongue." 

"Luna." Hermione gasped in joy. The duo hugged, as Ron asked. 

"Bloody hell, Luna you are a demigod too?" 

Luna escaped Hermione's grasp and looked at Ron with a smug expression."Yes I am a daughter of Hecate, the Titaness of magic. My mother created your race a thousand years ago but we won't get into the history of it all." Luna than turned to Percy. "Reyna, Frank and Hazel are on their way here to talk to you. It is probably for the best you tell them about Hogwarts, we need all the allies we can get." 

Percy nodded as the mysterious daughter of Hecate left the group. 

A day later Reyna, Frank and Hazel arrived at the camp as they had a camp meeting for Percy to explain what was happening to the camp and the two leaders of the Roman camp and how the camps will be affected by a new war. Percy was sitting in the Poseidon cabin as he tried to come up with a good reason for the demigods going back to war when a voice prodded him out of his thoughts.

"Perseus Jackson." The voice said, instantly Percy had Riptide in his hand as he looked at the salt water fountain his dad added years ago to see the smiling face of Dumbledore.

"Are you under attack, Dumbledore?" Percy asked worried. 

"No, but I need to tell you something about your oath about protecting Harry on the Styx." 

Percy nodded slowly. "Yes and I stand by it." 

"Well I discovered a terrible truth and you must take it back." Dumbledore said sternly.

Percy shook his head. " I can't do that swearing on the Styx is binding if I break it I die." 

"Well you must travel to the underworld and convince the Styx to release you from your vow as Harry Potter must die to defeat Voldemort." 

The Son of The Sea and The Half-Blood Prince (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now