The Burden

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Quote of The Chapter

"Only a true best friend can protect you from your immortal enemies."

― Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy

Song of the Chapter 

Hold on~ Chord Over street 

Sorry for the lack of updates guys, i just got a new position at work and have been learning (See stressing) over it so I apologise hopefully I can get more into the groove as the book goes on but the first couple of chapters will be a bit rough so again apologies. Enjoy, love you always <3


The summer flew by for the wizards, they all learned how to handle themselves with the godly weapons. Harry and Ron both used swords as the twins received hunting knives while Hermione preferred a dagger but proficient with a boy but not as good as Ginny, the wizards calling her a female version of Legolas. Which caused a movie night to show the demigods as they had to stay away from electronics. 

As the end of summer was upon our young heroes they were called into the big house to discuss what will happen as the school year starts. 

Waiting for the Wizards and Percy was with Chiron, Reyna, Frank, Thalia, Jason, Hazel, Piper and Nico who took over Percy's role as Camp leader in his absence. 

Dumbledore appeared in an Iris message just as the wizards walked in. 

"What is going on professor?" Harry asked.

"Just preparing for the school year you all should come back to England in the next couple days, I need your help with something Harry. Also the demigods here are coming to the school this year as well hopefully Praetor Reyna and Frank deem us worthy of helping us." 

"We won't leave you guys hanging up to dry, you have children that cannot fight. We just want to see what we will be protecting." Reyna resoponded. 

"Thank you Praetor Reyna. And Percy remember what I told you, you are obviously allowed to come back to Hogwarts but I would do that before coming back to just have it taken care of." Dumbledore said as he cut the message. 

Everyone in the room turned to Percy who was scowling at the spot where Dumbledore's face was. 

"What is he talking about Percy?" Nico asked, after no one spoke in a couple heartbeats. 

"It is a mission I must do alone, don't worry about it." Percy said with a fake smile, one that Thalia didn't fall for. She walked over to Percy and punched him in the shoulder, cause Percy to grunt in pain as he held his rapidly bruising arm as he glared at his cousin. 


Thalia smiled slightly. "Tell us kelp head, most of us are the most stubborn human beings on the planet you won't go any where till you do."

Percy rolled his eyes as he still rubbed his arm, glancing at the room as everyone who looked at him expectantly all except Chiron who had a worried look on his face as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. 

"Guy's let it be, it is a solo mission." Percy whined, before Chiron let out a sigh only a father figure who was disappointed with a son could muster. 

"What did you do this time Percy?" 

Percy's jaw dropped before he could react Nico and the demigods started chuckling as Hermione kept staring at him. Percy studied Hermione a bit closer, she reminded Percy so much of Annabeth it hurt. 

"I made a promise to Sirius that I would protect Harry to the best of my abilities. Turns out I can't keep that so I have to take it back." Percy explained. 

Everyone looked confused for a second before Nico stormed up to him and punched his cousin in the Jaw making Percy fall to the ground from the force and the shock of an unexpected hit.

"You fucking idiot, no one has ever gone back on their oath. It can't be done, have you gone suicidal or is your head so full of kelp that you can't think any more now that you have no one to do it for you?" Nico roared his face full of anger but his eyes shone with another emotion sadness. 

Percy flinched at the last sentence before looking up at Nico, tears welling in his sea green eyes before whispering. "I am sorry." Before turning and running out of the house, the demigods went to give chase but a calm and barely controlled voice of anger said. 

"Enough, let him be. Nico that is not what I expect from our leader at camp, you have to keep a clear head." 


"No, Nico that was completely uncalled for. You now know Percy's burden tell them and decide what you will. I will go talk to Percy." Chiron said with such finiality that every flinched before muttering "Yes, sirs." 

Chiron nodded than wheeled out of the house in pursuit of the legendary son of Poseidon, while everyone looked at Nico who had a a lone tear fall down his face. 

"What did Percy do this time?" Jason asked angry that one cousin brought up the one chink in Percy's emotional armour and the other that he didn't believe he could tell his cousin's about his burdens. 

Nico looked everyone in the eyes to convey the seriousness which Percy has found himself in. 

"Percy has made an oath on the River Styx to protect Harry Potter with his life." 

"Oh gods." Piper said as her hand went to her mouth as tears formed in her eyes, Frank and Hazel were embracing as Hazel silently sobbed in Franks chest. 

"What is that?" Hermione asked. 

Nico looked at Hermione in the eye obsidian black meeting brown with such a serious intensity Hermione flinched. 

"It is our most binding oath, to swear on this cursed river, to break said oath the nymph Styx will drag your soul into her river leaving you burning in agony for the rest of eternity." 

"Why not just pray?" George asked. 

Frank snorted. "Not all prayers are answered just cause there are gods in the world." 

"But the Styx is in the underworld, he can just go there with you right?" Piper asked Nico. 

Nico shook his head. "No, the nymph has not shown her face since the Titan war I have to assume the worst and that is she is in Tartarus." 

Thalia made a claw with her three fingers and pushed it away from her chest. 

"That means Dumbledore has lost faith that Percy can protect Harry so he asked him to take it back?" Ron asked. 

Nico shook his head before looking at Harry. "Percy would lay his life down in a heartbeat for any one in either camp or Hogwarts, Dumbledore knows this which means the only reason he wants Percy to take back his oath is that he knows Harry Potter will die in this war." 

The Son of The Sea and The Half-Blood Prince (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now