Unleashing the Burden

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Quote of the Chapter

"Loss alone is but the wounding of a heart; it is memory that makes it our ruin."
― Brian Ruckley 

I know Leo defeated Gaea but I want Percy in this story to defeat her so sorry to take anything away from the Leo fans out there


Percy fought like a demon dodging and parrying blades made out of Earth as Gaea struck at him, he landed a couple of blows but the earth kept rising to heal her. 

"Give up Perseus, you cannot win. Your own father has given up at hope already and the true battle hasn't even started yet." Gaea said smugly as she effortlessly stopped Riptide from piercing her chest. 

"I don't care. I won't give up hope, I will continue to fight till the last breath leaves my body." Percy snarled back as he ducked from a wild swing but was kicked in the chest hard sending him flying. Gaea was on him in an instant, her sword raised above her head as she went to end the legendary demigod in front of her. As Gaea's sword whistled towards him Percy stared into the eyes of his enemy unflinching ready for death, suddenly a sword made of drakon bone stopped the blade. Percy's eyes widened as he recognized the blade of his girlfriend, Annabeth glared at the primordial goddess with hate.

"I will make you regret ever waking up." 

With out a word Gaea and Annabeth traded blows, Percy went to get up but fell back down as his ribs groaned in agony. He watched as he slowly got up, he got to a knee as Annabeth landed a blow on Gaea's arm. 

He got to his feet and took a step forward before Gaea grabbed Annabeth sword hand as she was swinging it toward her, yanking her off the ground and without hesitation stabbed Annabeth through the chest pulling out the sword as quick as it went in and threw her body to the side. 

"Annabeth!" Percy screamed in anguish the love of his life laying motionless with blood pooling around her. 

Percy sprinted at Gaea Riptide moving so fast it seemed like it was just a blur of bronze as Gaea first the time since she rose was in the fight for her life, her face adopting a look of concentration than fear as Percy swung at her faster and faster making small and large cuts on the primordial body. The earth rose to heal her but water rushed around her feet and froze her in place. 

"What?" Gaea asked fear laced in her voice as she noticed the ice until Percy ran tackling her like a line backer, Gaea screaming in pain as her legs snapped. 

Percy stood over her body as the war raged around them he looked down at the injured goddess. "I am going to tear you limb from fucking limb you cold hearted bitch." 

For the first time in eons the primordial goddess felt utterly horrified as she looked at the demigod standing in front of her his blade inches from her chest. She drew daggers made of dirt in each of her hands but before she could use them Riptide went through her heart and than her neck before she could think about using those daggers. 

Percy watched as the goddess turned into a silver powder before dissolving into the earth, before running over to his girlfriends motionless body he fell to his knees and grabbed her head putting it in his lap as her open unseeing eyes were looking at the sky as Percy screamed in grief. 

"Percy?" The demigod in question turned Riptide elongating in his hand before he dropped his sword as he saw his mentor in his Centaur mode. 

"Chiron." Percy said tiredly as he rubbed his red eyes, puffy from crying. 

"Are you OK?" 

Percy looked at his teacher the other father he never really had minus Paul before a tear fell from his eye more quickly followed before he ran to Chiron and hugged the Centaur. 

"I miss her so much." Percy sobbed. 

"I miss her too, child." Chiron responded his own eyes pricking painfully. 

"I don't know what to do." Percy muttered helplessly. 

Chiron gently pushed the demigod he viewed as a son back to arm length. 

"You have to fight my child." 

"I don't know if I can." Percy responded. 

"You are a warrior, Percy. You were born for this, a soldier wishes for peace during times of war but in times of peace he wishes for war. You are more than a soldier you are a warrior the best that has ever walked this earth." 

"I wish all of this need not happen in my life time." Percy responded. 

"So do I my dear boy." Chiron said. "And so do all that see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." 

Percy took a deep, shuttering breath as he met Chiron's eyes, the sea green seemingly hardening as of their owner decided he would fight. "You are right and my emotions will not get the best of me again. I promise." 

Chiron clucked his tongue. "We both know your fatal flaw, that is a fools promise Percy and you know it. Gather your companions and speak to Rachel, the Nymph, Styx, is not in the underworld but rather Tartarus. Choose your companions wisely as someone you trust can be the difference between life and death, victory or defeat." 

Percy nodded as he ran off to the big house to talk to his allies as Chiron looked to the sky. "I love him as much as you Poseidon, use my life for his should the need arise." 

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