Fighting The Sun

390 11 2

Quote of the Chapter

"You must remember, family is often born of blood, but it doesn't depend on blood. Nor is it exclusive of friendship. Family members can be your best friends, you know. And best friends, whether or not they are related to you, can be your family."

― Trenton Lee Stewart, The Mysterious Benedict Society 

Hey guys sorry for not updating, I have been really stressed lately and got really into Mass Effect as a coping mechanism. I haven't forgot this story or you guys but I gotta take care of me before I can really do any writing. You guys are the best fans in the world and I appreciate you so much please enjoy the newest chapter. Love you all so much <3


Percy slowly got up looking at Hyperion not with fear but with a cold sense of unease. Three of the biggest Cyclops he had ever seen stood behind the Titan with a mix of about thirty Telekhine and Dracnae. 

Thalia had an arrow knocked and Nico had his sword at the ready, Percy pulled out Riptide but did not uncap the pen quite yet. 

"Not so smart mouthed are you now sea brat." Hyperion said smugly. 

Percy scoffed. "No, I just have nothing to say to you. You'll be dead in the next five minutes anyway." 

Hyperion glared at Percy before his expression changed into one of amusement and started laughing. "I have a small army and there is three of you, you can come with me peacefully or die where you stand. It matters not to me." 

Nico and Thalia looked at Percy and gave him subtle nods, Percy looked to his right. The river Cocytus whispered at the demigods to just give up but Percy shook it off as he glared at the Titan. 

"The only way we are going with you is in a body bag, Titan." Percy growled. 

Hyperion matched Percy's glare with his own, before drawing his sword and yelling. "Attack!" 

Before the monsters could even charge a massive wave of river water splashed over the monsters making them freeze for a second and dropped to their knees as they were wailing as the Cocytus made them give up. Thalia sent a steady stream of arrows into the monster ranks, any that made it passed the arrows were dealt with Nico who was slashing down monsters but a particular Telekhine was causing the young son of Hades some problems keeping him distracted long enough as Hyperion walked up. His blade out as he rose his blade to strike Nico down but was kicked back before he could force the blade down. The Titan crashed into the monsters behind him leaving some either injured or disoriented, before the monsters could recover arrows pierced their bodies. 

Hyperion growled as he watched his forces slowly deplete before turning to Percy who stood about five feet away Riptide still in pen form in his hand. Hyperion's face turned red in rage as he witnessed the clear lack of fear Percy was showing him. 

Hyperion sprinted towards Percy and sent a powerful over hand strike that would have cut Percy from left shoulder to right hip but Percy leaned back at the last second the blade whistling past him. In one fluid motion Percy uncapped Riptide and did a three sixty as he cut off Hyperion's leg off. 

Or so he thought as the Titan's blade came up blocking Riptide as he punched the demigod in the face making Percy crumple to the ground, feeling woozy. 

"Get up sea brat, we aren't done yet." Hyperion sneered. 

Percy shook his head to clear his head but probably didn't help what brain he had left. He smiled at the thought of Annabeth rolling her eyes at him for such a thought he had when he was in a middle of a life or death fight but the image changed as he saw a different blond, Luna standing where Annabeth was and offering her hand. Percy took it as his body slowly got up to face the Titan. 

Nico and Thalia were to busy to help leaving Percy alone with Hyperion, a dracnae ran past Hyperion with her teeth bared intent on tackling the son of Poseidon but a large hand grabbed her by the throat and with a quick flick of the wrist the dracnae's neck snapped as she dissolved in a golden powder. 

Hyperion looked over his shoulder and yelled. "He is mine, no one else." 

The Titan looked at Percy who waved over Hyperion as a challenge that ended with Percy's hand still extended but with the middle finger pointed outwards. With a cry of rage Hyperion charged Percy who ducked or parried each strike making Hyperion more and more frustrated. Finally their blades locked and the battled for physical dominance before Hyperion grinned and headbutted Percy making the demigod stumble back and before he had time to react Hyperion kicked him in the chest knocking the legendary demigod on his back. 

"Percy!" Nico screamed as he fought with renewed vigor towards his cousin. 

Hyperion stood over Percy, who tried to reach for Riptide but Hyperion kicked the blade away and raised his own over Percy's chest. 

"Any last words, demigod?" Hyperion growled. 

Percy stared defiantly into Hyperion's eyes. "Ya, have fun becoming a full person from dust." 

Hyperion started laughing before a spear entered through the back of his neck spraying Percy in golden Ichor. Hyperion's eyes wide before he too disintegrated into powder leaving a man standing behind him. He was around seven feet tall with black hair and icy blue eyes, looking at Percy with amusement. 

"I heard you were looking for me." The man said casually. 

"Who are you? And maybe I will tell you." Percy said as he was still on the ground. 

The man laughed. "I am Pallas, you are looking for my wife and I. If you help me with my problem I  maybe able to help you with yours.  

Percy sighed. "Gods dammit." 

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