Favour for Favour

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Song of the Chapter

"I am Defiant" By The Siege

Quote of the Chapter

"The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, lies in its loyalty to each other." – Mario Puzo

Sorry for not updating guys, I just had zero motivation to write for the longest time but I owe it to you guys to finish this trilogy and now that I have way more free time I should be able to write more. Thank you for your patience and your re-reads as they mean a lot to me. Love you guys all and you are the best fans in the world <3


Pallas chuckled at Percy's curse when asked for a favour, the Titan looked at his grand-nephew with amusement. 

Percy looked up at the Titan, his sea green eyes hardening with determination as he asked. "What is it that you need us to do, Lord Pallas?" 

Pallas's amusement faded as he turned serious. "Walk with me young demigods, I will explain as we walk. It is dangerous for you three to remain in one place for long." 

The Titan started to walk away as the three cousins looked at eachother deciding with a short nod of their heads as the followed the Titan. They walked around ten feet behind the Titan hand on their weapons waiting for an ambush or Pallas to start attacking them. 

Pallas turned to see the distance between the two groups, as he stopped and sighed. 

"I remained neutral in the last war as I believed it was beneath me to kill children and I couldn't face my siblings in combat." 

Percy's eyebrow twitched upward. "And you expect us to believe that?" 

Pallas shrugged. "I care not what you believe but if I wanted you dead I would have killed you and not Hyperion." 

"So what changed?" Thalia asked. 

Pallas' grey eyes hardened. "They took my wife as blackmail so I would fight for them in this war. I need your help to get her back." 

"Why does this feel like a trap? Or a suicide mission?" Nico asked. 

Pallas shrugged. "We might all die, but you need to talk to my wife so the best way to do that is to help me rescue her, which would get you in her and I's good grace's and we might grant your wish, Perseus Jackson." 

Percy sighed. "Guess we don't really have a choice." 

Pallas laughed a short barking laugh before turning cold. "There is always a choice young demigod but actions have consequences." 

With that Pallas walked away forcing the demigods to pause before walking behind the Titan, in silence keeping their heads on a swivel for any attacks as Pallas walked calmly his head held high as he walked through Tartarus with pride. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea Percy?" Thalia asked. 

Percy shrugged. "Good idea's have never really been my forte cousin." Nico snorted with amusement than said. "Well at least you are honest." 

Thalia smiled a bit but looked at Percy seriously, Percy noticed and sighed. "Honestly, Thalia I have no idea. But at the same time I don't think we have any other option."

"We are with you a hundred percent Percy, no matter what." Thalia said sternly, Nico nodded with determination. Percy smiled and waved his cousins on as Pallas hadn't stopped for them. 


As the children of the big three followed the Titan of Battle and Warcraft for what seemed like hours, they hadn't been attacked which made the nerves of the legendary demigods tingle at every noise and the cold dagger of dread entering their hearts as they were worried Pallas was leading them into a trap. Suddenly Pallas stopped and looked at the three demigods, hands on their weapons and eyes darting around their surroundings, looking for whatever danger may lay ahead. 

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