The Revealing

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Song of the Chapter

I'm coming home ~ Skylar Grey 

Quote of the Chapter 

"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die. Life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly." Langston Hughes


Percy, Harry, Ron, Ginny,  Hermione and the Weasely twins were in Dumbledore's office it has been a full day since the death of Sirius Black, everyone minus Percy were still in shock. Dumbledore stared at everyone sadly as he stood up. 

"I believe you all have questions, so go ahead and ask." Dumbledore said as he looked at Hermione first as already had her hand up.

"Thank you sir, what is Percy?" Hermione asked. 

"Yea Voldemort called him a son of Poseidon." Harry said as he looked at his cousin, betrayal evident in his emerald eyes. 

Percy got up to look everyone in the eye. 

"I am the only known son of Poseidon, the Greek god of the seas. I am a demigod, Half mortal..." 

"Half god." Hermione breathed, excitement flashing through her eyes. Ginny and Harry sat quietly taking in the information they just received, but George and Fred shouted. 

"No way mate! Percy is just pulling our legs!" 

Percy smiled sadly. "Not this time guys, I have abilities from my dad. I can breathe and sea underwater, if I am injured I can heal myself using the water it replenishes my energy as well. I can talk to every underwater creature and horses as well." Percy pulled out Riptide and uncapped it, the bronze sword appearing out of thin air. "This is celestial bronze, it kills the monsters from the ancient times and any magical beings including wizards." 

Fred and George gulped in fear but Percy laughed. "I won't hurt you guys with it, but since you won't believe me I have to show you." Percy took Riptide and cut a gash in his hand, wincing a bit from the pain blood pooled in his hand and dripped on the floor. Percy closed his eyes and felt the tug of his gut he was familiar with as the water on Dumbledore's desk floated towards Percy circling his hand, as he showed the wizards his hand. The cut stopped bleeding and slowly closed up leaving Percy's hand completely healed. 

The wizards gasped in amazement before Harry bitterly asked. "Why did you hide this?" 

Percy sighed and looked down. "Dumbledore asked me too. I didn't mean to hide or lie to you but it was the best for you guys to be in the dark." 

"Why tell us now?" Ginny asked. 

This time Dumbledore answered. "It is because now that Harry has family he can stay with instead of the Dursley's he will be headed to Camp Half-blood this summer with Percy but after talking to the gods they offered all of you a place in the camp as well." 

Gasps of excitement were heard  as the wizards talked to each other excitedly, Dumbledore and Percy chuckled a bit before Dumbledore carried on. "While you are there I except you all on your best behavior, represent Hogwarts well. I expect you all to have learned at least something well you are there, you will be training with weaponry and learn more about the Myths and legends from the Greeks. The camp trainer and leader talked to the gods and they already put you in cabins so you can meet new friends, Percy will explain how it works." 

"We have twenty cabins representing all gods that have children, with more on the way. We learn close quarters combat as well as archery, also for nerds like Hermione there are some classes as well that the Athenian cabin have drew up for you all as well. Your cabin choices are based on your personalities. Hermione and Ginny will be staying with the children of Athena, they are basically the Ravenclaws of Camp, George and Fred will be staying with the Hermes cabin led by Connor and Travis Stoll." George and Fred fist bumped excited to see their mischievous American counter parts again, Percy smiled and continued. "Harry and Ron are gonna stay with me in the Poseidon cabin, any questions?" 

"Are all the people at the camp demigods?" Hermione asked. 

"Yes, but we also have Pegasus, Satyrs and a couple more monsters in the camp to help us train." Percy asked. 

"What is your story? Your real story?" Harry asked. 

So after two hours of explaining what has happened everyone's jaw was on the floor. 

"You have done all of that?" Everyone asked disbelieving.

"Yup." Percy said popping the 'P' before saying. "I had help obviously but yea, anyway all of your stuff is at camp already. Time to go." 

"We are leaving now? I haven't told my parents." Hermione stated. 

"All parent's have been informed and have agreed. You will be using a port key to get there, fingers on the bell please." Dumbledore said producing said bell. All the kids had their fingers on it before their worlds spun so fast they shut their eyes once they opened them they came face to face with a dragon curled around a tree with golden fleece. 

They all yelped and jumped back pulling out their wands. 

"Stop, that is Peleus he is a good dragon aren't ya boy?" Percy said as he walked up to the dragon and gave it a scratch under the dragons jaw." Percy turned back to the group. 

"Alright guys follow me." 

The group skirted around the dragon as they followed Percy they crested the hill and gasped as they saw the cabins Percy was talking about a climbing wall that had flowing lava down it. They saw kids running around with swords and bows, playing volleyball with Satyrs or just sitting on the grass chatting with friends. 

"Welcome to camp Half-blood everyone!" Percy said with a huge smile. 

The Son of The Sea and The Half-Blood Prince (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now