The Half-Blood Prince

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"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." ~ Benjamin Franklin


Harry was leafing through an older book that he got from Slughorn's class that him and Ron tried fighting over, initially Harry was miffed that he didn't get the newer book on the shelf but during the class he found that the notes in it gave him the best potion in the class. As he was reading more into the book a noise startled him as Hermione and Ginny walked in the common room with Reyna and Frank.

"What are you reading Harry?" Ginny asked. Harry looked up at his friends sister, his heart racing a bit but before he could respond Hermione interjected.

"How did you make the best potion in the class? You've must have cheated or something. Is it in the book? Let me see it." Hermione reached for the book but, Harry stood up backing away from his long time friend. 

"No, it is fine it isn't the book. Maybe this year I just studied harder than usual, didn't think of that did you?" Harry defended himself. Hermione scoffed. 

"It has only been one week of school, Harry." 

Harry was so enthralled with his debate with Hermione he didn't notice Ginny sneaking up behind him, until she snagged the book out of his hand he twirled around in anger until he was only inches from Ginny's face causing the young wizard to freeze as the blood rushed to his face before squeaking out. "Give it back." 

Ginny smiled as she slipped out of Harry's reach as she opened it to the front page and asked the room. "Who is the Half-blood Prince?" Causing everyone to stop and look at Hermione who turned red and said in a defeated tone. 

"I don't know. I will have to check the library to see what I can find." As Hermione turned around she bumped into the wall or at least she thought she did as she stared in the obsidian eyes of Reyna. 

"I am so sorry Praetor Reyna, I did not see you there." Hermione squeaked out.  Reyna's eyebrow raised for a second before she went stoic again as she scoured the room and looked at Hermione. 

"Just Reyna is fine, we do not need to explain to the wizards why you are calling me that, what are you four up to?" 

Hermione glanced around as everyone was looking everywhere other than the two girls. "Uh we were just talking about this book." Hermione stated with an embarrassed blush. 

Reyna reached out and grabbed it as she flipped through the book with no indication on what she was feeling, before she sighed as she closed the book and looked at Hermione seriously as handing her the book back. 

"Is this book going to help you prepare for war?" 

Hermione glanced at Harry and Ron before turning to Reyna. "Well.. No, but .." 

Reyna interrupted. "Is this helping you with spells you can use against the other wizards?" 

"No it is a potions spellbook.. but-"

"So it is useless in these times of war?" The daughter of Bellona asked. 

"Oi, knock it off she is just researching for school, like one person could make a difference in a fight." Ron yelled as he walked up to Reyna. Reyna stared so seriously in Ron's eyes that he averted his eyes. 

"So what you mean to tell me Ron, is that instead of preparing for a battle that you have a very high chance of losing if we do not join you. You insist of doing your studies so you can get jobs? My question is how do you get jobs if you are dead in a war you already lost by not even thinking about it? I have seen one person make a difference in a war and that person wouldn't like you using that as an excuse to sit around and do nothing." Reyna turned to walk away but Harry put in. 

"I don't care about dying if that means my friends live to get the jobs that way!" 

Reyna turned to face Harry with a slightly impressed look before going back to serious. "Spoken like a true son of Rome, also like a son of Poseidon we are all familiar with. But answer me this how can you sit here and study for something that doesn't matter when you have the biggest threat to your world just outside the gates? How can you sit here and study for a test when your cousin is in the most dangerous place in the world to save your world, a world he or I have no part of? Ponder that while I do what I can to help you while you guys 'study'." 

With that Reyna turned and walked out of the Gryffindor common room.


Pallas watched his siblings disintegrate with sadness but it was for the best before he limped to the demigods. "Are you ready to meet my wife?"

Percy and his cousins glanced at each other before Thalia and Nico nodded at Percy who looked at Pallas with a small smile and said. "While that is why we are here." 

Pallas waved them over as the delved deeper into the compound where they found a cell where a lady with wavy black hair with a white smokey dress on that seemed ripped and her face bruised and slightly gold as ichor slowly ebbed from some of the wounds on her face. 

"Styx!" Pallas roared his voice in agony seeing his wife in such a shape as he tried to bend the celestial bronze gold bars. Styx's eyes snapped open revealing her pure black eyes that at first were full of malice than saw her husband and turned to fear. 

"Get out Pallas, get out while you still can! Your brothers will be here any second." Styx hissed. 

"No Styx they will not be joining us, not for a while." Pallas said sadly, Styx eyes widened in understanding before nodding solemnly. 

Percy stepped up and cut the bars with Riptide allowing the two deities to embrace. 

"Can we get out of here or .." Nico asked. 

Pallas raised his head from Styx's shoulder and nodded. "Let us leave this infernal place son of Hades." 

The demigods and the two deities left the place and was only half a mile before Styx collapsed panting in exhaustion. 

"We hold here." Pallas commanded. 

"We aren't far enough away from the compound yet, the monsters can find us." Thalia argued. 

Pallas glared at the daughter of Zeus before Percy stepped in between them. "Enough, we held up our end of the deal and now you have to hold up your end, son of Crius." 

Pallas looked at Percy with an impressed expression. "Hardly any demigod now knows of my father son of Poseidon, you have done well and have held up your end of your bargain so I will honour mine." 

Pallas looked at Styx who narrowed her eyes at him and than at Percy and said. "I know why you have come demigod and I am not pleased I can not sense my curse on you. My husband has offered you to let me help you but why should I let you go from your vow?"

Percy paled as he had not thought of a reason for himself. "I..I - I don't know milady."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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