Demigod Dreams Suck

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"Family is not an important thing, it's everything."

― Michael J. Fox

Hey guy's I did't forget about the story, I have just been so busy at work. Any way sorry for the filler or any rust on this chapter, gonna try and shake it off. Enjoy and as always thank you for all of the support <3 


Percy and his cousins were trekking through the wastelands of Tartarus, they haven't run into any trouble since they landed maybe two days ago. They were making their way toward the Phlegethon, the three legendary demigods were looking pretty bad. Refusing to eat any godly food saving it only for emergencies. 

Their feet were bloody and sore, blisters forming and bursting on their skin. Yet they kept trekking on, whoever stumbled were steadied by the two others. They were family, the three were always pretty close but after all of the shit they have been through together. They all knew but didn't speak of their bond, how they would take anything to shield the others. 

Nico suddenly stopped, making the other two stop and stare at him with confusion. He looked at his two cousins incredulously. "Guess what?" 

"What?" Thalia and Percy asked, their eyes darting around hands on their weapons. 

Nico said solemnly. "Chicken butt." 

Percy and Thalia groaned in exasperation and rolled their eyes as Nico started laughing uncontrollably. 

"Grow up death breath." Thalia muttered as her and Percy started walking away with a slight smile the son of Hades did not see as he was to busy laughing. 

Percy and Thalia were walking in pace with each other as the young son of Hades trailed behind with an amused smile on his face, one of pride as he made his two cousins laugh in literal hell. 

They walked for a couple more hours, before Nico started coughing uncontrollably. Thalia looked back in concern as did Percy as they both noticed the sores on Nico's skin as they gazed down at themselves noticing the same thing. 

"We should rest." Thalia said worriedly as Percy nodded his consent, Nico opened his mouth to protest but couldn't as he started choking before spitting out a clump of blood.

"Alright sounds good." Nico muttered weakly before collapsing to the ground and started snoring. 

"I'll take first watch." Thalia and Percy at the same time. 

"Jinx! You owe me a coke." 

"Double Jinx." 

"Seriously, Thalia?" 

"Triple Jinx! Damn I thought I got you that time too. Well since you lost you get some Z's little cousin." Thalia said with a slight smile. 

Percy rolled his eyes but wisely kept his mouth shut as he walked over to Nico gently lifting his head off the ground before putting Nico's head on his lap before laying down and shutting his eyes. 

Percy was standing on the beach, he recognized this moment it was before his talk with his dad and Harry. 

Suddenly Poseidon appeared, the sea god gave his only demigod son a sad smile before giving him a hug. When the duo  broke apart Poseidon gazed into his only demigod son eyes. 

"You are a fool, Percy." Poseidon said sadly. 

Percy snorted. "Everyone since my birth has told that to me except my mother. I am YOUR son I guess it has rubbed off on me." 

Poseidon laughed but his eyes shone with sadness. "Percy, I am about to break ancient laws here but Apollo has foresaw your cousins death. It was a rash decision, I know you plan to talk to the river Styx but she hasn't been seen since the Titan war. She went to Tartarus to visit her husband Pallas. Find him and find the nymph they will be the key for you to get out of the oath." 

Percy nodded slowly. " I am sorry father but-" 

Poseidon raised his hand. "You have nothing to apologise for my child. You have brought me nothing but pride and honour being your father." Poseidon put his hand on Percy's shoulder. 

"You are the greatest son I have ever had, a being capable of being filled modesty and no pride. A son that had accomplished the greatest of feats, even though you claim it wasn't alone we both know that is not true. You are a hero, Perseus. The greatest of them all, you can do this." 

Percy sighed a tear falling out of his eye. "Father, I know what I must do but I do not know if I can do it without her."

"I am sorry my boy but it is what destiny calls for. You will prevail and you will have a happy ending. That I promise you." Poseidon said so seriously Percy almost believed him but before Percy could open his mouth, Poseidon disappeared in a sea breeze and he heard Harry calling his name before the dream disappeared. 

"Get up kelp head, we are in trouble." Thalia muttered, Percy blinked shaking off his sleepiness as he saw Nico and Thalia in a defensive stance before the unmistakable voice said. 

"Ah the great Percy Jackson come down to Tartarus to die by my hand, what an honour." Hyperion breathed in excitement for the fight to come. 

The Son of The Sea and The Half-Blood Prince (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now