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Quote of the Chapter

"I don't care about whose DNA has recombined with whose. When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching--they are your family."

― Jim Butcher, Proven Guilty


Percy, Thalia and Nico appeared at the entrance of Tartarus in the underworld the same place Percy was all of those years ago with Annabeth and Grover. 

"Brings back memories." Percy muttered as he peered into the cavern. Thalia and Nico looked at him sadly. 

"Ready?" Nico asked Percy looked at his cousins and nodded. Thalia paled as she noticed the edge, Percy noticed and grabbed her hand. Thalia shot him a small smile as the three cousins got closer to the edge.

"Are you sure you guys want to do this?" Percy asked. 

"Percy, we have both told you. You are our family, we got your back always." Nico said, Thalia nodding not trusting her voice at the moment.

"OK, lets do this." Percy said as he grabbed Nico's hand as the three cousins jumped into the pit, Thalia screaming as the fell. 

It felt like hours that they fell but in reality it was close to ten minutes. The pit finally opened up as the trio saw a red haze and the smell of sulfur hitting their noses. 

As they neared the ground it seemed as they slowed down until they were a foot off the ground they stopped falling and floated down to the ground. 

"I would kiss the ground but I don't think it would be a good idea." Thalia muttered as Percy and Nico chuckled at their cousin. 

"Alright, fire water." Percy said.

"What does that mean?" Nico asked, looking around skeptically he was in Tartarus but he was a prisoner almost immediately. 

"We got to drink from the river Phlegethon our skin will boil and we will start coughing up blood soon. The air here is toxic." 

Thalia and Nico looked at each other before turning back to Percy.

"How did you get this smart?" Thalia asked. 

Percy shrugged. "Annabeth told me all of this last time we were down here." 

A growl sounded off from the right. Instantly their weapons came out as a pack of fifteen hellhounds appeared. 

"Great." Thalia muttered as her spear sparked with electricity. 

"Could be worse, pine cone face." Percy said with amusement in his voice, as soon as he said that five cyclops showed up. 

"For fuck sake, Perce." Nico whined. Percy chuckled as he charged into the pack of hell hounds killing two of them before they could react. Nico and Thalia joined the fray. Thalia jumping up and stabbing a hell hound through the head, Nico slashed the front leg of one off as he left it there whining in pain. 

The cousins flew through the hell hounds easily until it all went wrong. Percy finished one of the hell hound to look up and see Nico finishing the last one off as the last cyclops snuck up on the son of Hades as it raised it's club. Percy had no time to yell, instead running a full sprint to Nico and pushing him out of the way taking the club in the chest sending him flying ten feet away. 

Nico watched his cousin take the club that was meant for him in a furious anger as he stood up rolling under another strike from the cyclops as he slashed the Achilles tendon of the cyclops the monster screamed in pain as it dropped to a knee. Thalia jumped up as her spear sparked as she drove it into the throat of the cyclops, it gurgled as it fell to the side and disintegrated into a yellow dust cloud as the two cousins looked at each other as Nico nodded in appreciation before the turned and ran to their cousin who was laying motionless on the ground with his eyes closed. 

"Percy!" Thalia yelled as she shook her cousin. 

Percy's hand came up and threw Thalia's hand off his shoulder. "Leave me alone Thals I am sleeping." 

"Get up Perce, we are in Tartarus." Nico said as he glanced around waiting for another monster attack. 

Percy's eyes flew opened up as he sat up and winced. "My ribs are broken." 

Thalia and Nico rolled their eyes as Nico said. "Thanks for taking that club for me, I would have been dead." 

"You'd have done the same for me, buddy." Percy said as he got up with the help of his cousins. 

"We both would." Thalia said. 

Percy nodded as he said. "I wonder how the others are doing." 


The demigods and wizards walked out of the airport rubbing their legs from the log cramped up flight. 

"I still don't get why we used my ship." Leo whined. 

Piper slapped him in the back of the head. "Cause travelling like mortals is fun." 

"Not to my legs." Frank muttered. 

"Alright listen up guys, Praetor Frank I expect you to be more professional when we get the the wizards castle. Dumbledore sent some one here to pick us up. Hermione can you please phone them to come pick us up. You guys have phones right?" Reyna said. 

Frank nodded as Hermione blushed. "Wizards don't have phones, we have use owls. I am sure the person Dumbledore sent here will be here." 

As Hermione said that an owl appeared dropping a note than a key in her hands. The note reading. 

"This portkey will activate in five minutes. Make sure every one is touching this and they will be transferred to Hogwarts. Sincerely ~ Dumbledore. " 

Hermione read it outloud so every one had a finger on it, they waited until everyone's world spun until they landed safely on the ground.

All the demigods looked around and gasped at the beauty of the place. 

"Welcome to Hogwarts!" George and Fred shouted.   

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