16. - Supply & Demand

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((Y/n)'s P.O.V.)

"Javier?! Open the goddamn door!" The more I kept on murdering the door with the tip of my shoe, the more I was convinced that Javier might have gone to sleep early tonight. I flounced to the right side of the house where the window of his room would be as my face exuded irritation. Then, I knocked the hell out of the pane. "Open. The hell. Up, Javier! I'm sleepy, and it's cold out here, so I'm gonna ruin your sleep 'til you're awake, you hear me?!"

Five minutes of cussing at him and possibly making a scene in the neighborhood, and no response was yet to be heard. I decided to phone him out of my overdue impatience, only to find out that I couldn't hear any ringtone buzzing from inside the house. I suspected that he might have silenced it, so I took a peek at the window and used the flashlight from my phone to light the room up. It turned out that Javier wasn't even comfortably curled inside his warm blanket. I felt so stupid for not even thinking about making sure whether he was inside or not.

"Shit." I clicked my tongue. I knew I should've requested a spare key from the locksmith the second I allowed him to be my roommate. I had suspected this scene to be experienced, and now that I did, well...

I just hoped he didn't wander into the slums and have a trippy adventure from psychedelics that he pilfered from someone who does illegal things. While that sounded stereotypical, knowing the history of Javier's family was enough fact to keep my own judgment justified. I still hoped that I was just assuming things, though. He decided what he decided for a reason, after all.

I sighed and trudged towards the middle seat of the car, and once I reached it, I stared at the interior displeasedly. Had I known that I'd sleep in my car tonight while being dead on my own's feet, I would've always thrown the cigarette butts away each time I had done smoking. "You better have a good explanation when I see you tomorrow, dipshit," I grumbled, imagining myself talking to him.

Knowing that I had no choice but to either sleep in the car or the roadside, I reluctantly entered the car and fell asleep after fifteen minutes of whining about how cramped it was. However, an hour later, or so I believed, I woke up due to the air feeling extremely thick and finding myself becoming breathless. It turned out I forgot to leave a gap in the car window. As a result, not only had I almost suffocated myself to death, but the second I woke up from my agitated slumber, my drowsiness also seemed to vanish, and I didn't realize it until I noticed that I had been struggling to return to my sleep and spending thirty minutes with continuous tosses and turns. Since my attempts seemed to be futile at this point, I decided to accept that tonight was a real bitch and fumbled for my phone. I turned it on, and not long after, the song "DIM" by SYML began to indulge my eardrums. It stirred the angry voices in my head to dwindle.

And then, I thought about him; Waylon, along with his charitable loneliness. One of the many companies he had, apart from rats, the ripples of the waters, and his little voices that I bet would never stop bickering. I imagined him craving the sound of a good, iconic, jazzy '85 song from an obsolete radio. Anything for a little bit of company. I could imagine him getting a bit more insane each day passed, hoping that perhaps he'd get a bit saner tomorrow if not much. That is unless hoping wasn't a thing for him.

And if so, then the scenario would be much worse, wouldn't it?

I thought about visiting him this late at night, but my muscles didn't want to cooperate. I couldn't even force my foot to want to step on the gas pedal. After some minutes of deciding whether I should visit him or stay in my car until the sleepiness get the best of me again, I decided to get out of the car after I switched the engine off and shuffled to my neighbor's house who had always hated my and Javier's guts since I was desperate for a good night's sleep, not to mention that it was only ten days ago since I received the job.

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