13. - Fred/Dark Places, Pt. II

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"Let no man pull you
low enough to hate him."

- Martin Luther King, Jr. -

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(Fred's P.O.V.)

"Wait, I can explain-"

"No, Fred, you don't have to explain anything to me! I've had enough!" She hissed the last word. She hadn't even heard what I had to say, yet, she had enough. I was in deep trouble, although I knew damn well that it wouldn't be as deep as the sips I had had. I only intended for a few sips, but why were my hands seemed to disobey my mind?

Was it because this was what my heart desired? Was it because of how I always told myself to keep myself from drinking while I always let myself surrounded by them, damned bottles until I got tempted by the sight of them and blamed the bottles for being there? Was it because of how much I wanted to dismiss the thought of me seeing my wife kissing another man three months ago? Was it because of how desperate I wanted to have a memory loss and just make myself at home inside this pit I'm stuck in instead of trying to find a way to escape from it? Was it because I wanted to believe that I'm a good husband while I was lost in my blinding fantasy?

"(Y/n) literally cried for God-knows-how-long, and you choose your goddamn alcohols instead of your own CHILD? From your own goddamn sperm that you put inside of me?!"

"W-Well, I'm sorry! But I was drunk and there was the booze and-"

"No, nope! It's not the fucking booze, it's just you! You keep telling yourself AND me that it was because of the booze, but we know damn well that it's not! And you keep on promising me that you want to change and you will change, but do you even want to change, Fred?!"

No, I fucking don't!

"Yes, I do! C-Can't you see that I've been trying?!"

"You wanna see what I see? You, sitting your ass down there, self-pitying yourself, mulling over your life decisions while you're under the influence of your booze that will only make us more broke, while you can spend them on (their) diapers or to restock our fridge that always seems to be fucking empty unless I use my savings!"

All of a sudden, I heard a loud crying from a baby.

"I-Is that (Y/n)?"

"Is that- Oh my fucking God, are you serious right now, Fred? Yes, Fred, That's our child, I- ARGH! You know what? Fuck it! I always clean up ALL of your mess! And starting from tomorrow, you're going to have to clean up your own mess, and I'll be gone for the day!"


"And by the time I came home, I want you to have all your shits cleaned up! And if you don't..."

"What? You gon' leave me for that fucking whore?!"

Rose scoffed. She wasn't even pained or offended when I mocked her paramour, and that humiliated me more. "Keep saying what you want, but he can take care of not just only me, but also us, and, hell, even you can eat because of him! And that whore that you just mentioned is much more mature than my own fucking legally married husband!"

I was about to continue this quarrel until she shoved me away and directly headed towards (Y/n)'s room. God, can't that kid just shut up for once?! Can't that kid just understand that I just need some time to be in a tranquil state and my 'some time' has to be forever?!

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