Chapter 9

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Mikey's P.O.V

That "talk" last night my bros and I had was the absolute worst time ever! I wish they can just get over it and have them understand loving a human isn't all bad! (Y/N) is the love of my life! and they can't do anything about it! I checked the calendar that I have hanging on my bedroom wall, and I noticed Valentine's day is around the corner! I gotta think of something to get her. but what though? I wasn't sure what to think, so I decided to go to April's place for help. as night time came, I knocked on April's window. she and Casey have been dating for two years, and they now live together. they do make a great couple. just like me and (Y/N). April opened her window and smiled. "Mikey! it's so good to see you. what brings you here?" I smiled and came into her apartment. "I need your help with something since you're a girl." she chuckled and responds. "well. you came to the right place. sit down." I sat down on their couch, and April gave me some hot cocoa to drink. "thanks." she sits down with Casey who is also happy to see me. I noticed he's growing out his hair. it looks cool on him. he starts to ask me since he is wondering why I came. "so. what brings you here buddy? ya got somethin to tell us?" I nodded, and explained everything to them. about (Y/N), and my own family disliking the idea of me and her being together. April gently rubs my knee talking to me in a soft tone. "it's going to be okay Mikey. they'll eventually open up. you'll see. but hopefully we get to meet your lovely lady friend soon. you should bring her here and we can play board games or just chat." Casey nods in agreement. "yeah. we're so happy you finally found someone who is more of your speed. I mean look at me and April. I remember the very first time met her family, and it was kinda shitty from the start. but as time passed, they soon started to accept us." April nods, and I smiled a bit. "I also wanna ask. Valentine's day is around the corner. do you guys know what gifts would be nice to give her?" April nods and responds with a smile. "well for starters, girls love romantic dinners. plus, you should give her a bouquet of flowers with a box of chocolates or a teddy bear. oh and a note." I smiled and those things gave me ideas. "could you get me those things? we already had dinner together." Casey and April smiled. "of course we can Mikey. we'll buy you a card, the flowers, and a little teddy bear for you to give her. we'll let you write on the card." I smiled and thanked them both. "you guys are the best. I appreciate the help." April puts her hand on my shoulder. "you're welcome Mikey. just come by on Valentine's day, and the gifts will be waiting for you." I hugged them both and I ended up leaving afterwards. I came to (Y/N's) apartment and she was asleep. I slowly crept into the window, and put a small slip of paper into her pillow. I kissed her cheek, and whispered. "sweet dreams angel cakes. dream about me." I ran out, and headed home. Raph and the others were standing there arms crossed and upset. "what did we tell you about seeing that girl?" Raph said as he stared at me. "go away! you don't know how special me and (Y/N) are!" Raph walks up to me and grabs my shoulder. "wake up numb nuts! you...should....NOT....Be...with...her!! she is a HUMAN! and you are a MUTANT!! so get over it!!" he pushes me and suddenly, my blood starts to boil, and my expression went from annoyed, to full on angry mode. I suddenly shoved Raph hard into a wall using all of my might, and started yelling at him "SHUT UP!! JUST SHUT UP RAPH!! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HER!! SO YOU GET OVER IT!! WHO CARES IF I LOVE A HUMAN!!? YOU'RE JUST ALL BRAWN AND NO BRAIN!!" I bang him repeatedly against the wall, as his expression quickly switched into complete shock. even my other two bros were shocked too in how I acted. Leo and Donnie pulled me away from Raph before anything gets all violent. Leo shouts at me in frustration and anger "that's enough mikey!! get over yourself! you are not allowed to see her anymore!! that is final!!" I started to tear up and yelled at everyone as my throat tightened up. "why can't you at least let me be happy for once?!" I ran to my room feeling hurt. they all stopped talking to me after that. I started to calm down afterwards as hours passed. "okay. I'm fine....I'm fine.....April's right. They'll get over it and....understand.....they're just in a phase is all...." I sniffled and wiped the remaining tears from my face. as I calmed down, I started playing (Y/N)'s video games for a bit. and they did helped me calm down even more. I just hope all of this craziness ends soon. I don't want (Y/N) to leave me. I love her. plus, I don't want this year's valentine's day to be ruined. this is my moment to spend it with someone finally. April and Casey could be right what they just told me. but right now, I gotta focus on making my beautiful angel happy. no matter what. 

End of P.O.V

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