Chapter 8

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Mikey's P.O.V

I've been ignoring my bros nearly all day. They were noticing it as they try to apologize, yet they would still tell me it's not right having a relationship with a human like (Y/N). I did ask Raph if he really meant what he said weeks ago about her being a keeper and April being too boring. Turns out, he was only joking about it. That really made me angry. They tried everything they could to cheer me up. Hell. I even lost my appetite for eating pizza. Master Splinter told them to just leave me be and focus what we had to do. I especially don't want to go to that stupid mission on what the purple dragons were up to. They can just go without me. I sat on my bed thinking about (Y/N) all day. My stomach was growling, my eyes were restless, and my blood was boiling. Somehow I feel like I'm turning into Raph. whatever. It is what it is. Just as the day couldn't get any worse, Splinter took away my video games and comics for the day as a punishment. Glad it wasn't the hashi. Leo opened the door to my room and walked up to me as I curled myself into a ball. "Mikey. Get up. It's time to go." I threw a pillow at his face and silently ignored him. He yanked me up from bed, and gave me my nunchucks. "Come on little brother. No time for immature fits. We have a mission to get to." I look down and I sigh. I didn't bring my board because....I wasn't in a happy mood. Instead of doing flips and running wild, I walked and didn't care. Minutes passed, and we finally made it to the purple dragon's lair. Donnie used his goggles to analyze what was going on. After that was done, we got down from the rooftop and the purple dragons started attacking us. I attacked a few of them, but then I realized my brothers are distracted from the fight. Now would be my chance to leave. And so, I did. I disappeared into the night as my lame bros kept on fighting.

End of P.O.V

Mikey jumped from rooftop to rooftop until he made it to (Y/N)'s apartment. He knocked onto the window, and she noticed him. She smiled as she opened it. He was out of breath like the other day. Mikey crawled inside, and got up immediately after. He looked at her and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry if I was running late angel cakes....I had some family issues lately." she looked at him worried as he said that. "What happened?" Mikey took a deep breath and carried her bridal style. "I'll explain later. now . How about that dinner we had planned?" she nods, and off to the sewers they go! They finally made it within seconds since Mikey is lightning fast after all. He gently sets her down, and takes her to his room. "It didn't take me that long to set it up, but..." he revealed to her a small table with candles lit and flowers in a glass vase. "Oh mikey! It's lovely!" (Y/N) smiled wide at him, and he smiled back. "Glad you love it baby. Lemme go get our dinner." he runs to the kitchen, but nearly forgot that splinter was still in the lair. But asleep. So Mikey quietly ran to the kitchen, got the food, and quietly ran back to his room by the table. "Okay (Y/N). got the food. it's spaghetti!" The spaghetti itself was very tasty looking. (Y/N) took a small taste of it, and loved it. "I didn't know you could cook mikey!" he chuckles as he explains. "Well I have some talents that my brothers can't nearly pull off" (Y/N) giggled, and Mikey got up. "How about some music to set up the mood?" (Y/N) nods in agreement as Mikey takes out his boombox radio, and turns it on. When he turned it on though, instead of soft romantic smooth jazz, punk rock music blasted out of the speakers which made the poor guy jump. He presses the switch button lightning fast, but the station won't switch itself. Just then, he pressed the eject button, and the music abruptly stopped. He took out the CD, and he switched it to what he wanted. (Y/N) chuckled at him and shook her head as the soft sound of jazz filled the room. He blushes in embarrassment and giggles. "Sorry. I keep forgetting Raph always uses my boombox to hear his favorite music for his workouts at full blast." (Y/N) nodded in understanding and the two started eating. It was silent until Mikey spoke after swallowing his meal. "Um....yeah. About the family issue. My brothers dad... they....they don't appreciate us being together because of all the danger involved" (Y/N) put her fork down, and looked at him sadly. "Mikey....who cares what they say. You're no longer a young child. You're fully grown." he sighs and looks at her. "If only I were human, none of this would be a thing." (Y/N) hugs him lovingly, and kisses his cheek. "Oh mikey. I know how worrying it is. But I don't care at all! I love you no matter what." he hugs her back and then smiles. "Thank you (Y/N). I'm glad you are in my life. Nothing will get between us." They both smiled at each other, and went back to eating. Just ask (Y/N) grabs a piece of noodle, Mikey grabs the other end and they slurp closer together, until they eventually kiss. (Y/N) giggled cutely, as Mikey chuckled himself. After eating ended, they sat down on the couch and just relaxed for a bit. The lair was very quiet. Not a single peep was heard. Mikey started to grow bored. So they decided to take a walk. As they headed out, it was snowing. Luckily, Mikey had a winter coat and hat on. They walked around in the silent peaceful city as the snowflakes glitter to the floor before them. They both held hands, and looked at each other with so much love. He takes her to the rooftops, and stares at the city with glowing street lights. "I had a great time Mikey. That was the best date ever." Mikey looks at (Y/N) and smiles. "You really think so?" she smiles back, and nods in response. They both kiss holding hands, until....his brothers are being heard from afar. "Where is that little no good twerp!? I swear if he's home, I'm gonna-" Leo interrupts him "enough Raph! But still. If he is with that girl, he is totally dead!" Mikey and (Y/N) gasp in shock, and he safely carries her to the ground. "can you get home safely? By yourself?" (Y/N) nods, kisses his cheek, and runs home waving goodbye as Mikey waves back and talks softly "See ya soon angel cakes." he rushes back to the lair, and manages to get there on time before his brothers do. He takes off his coat, mittens, and hat and lays onto his bed pretending to read comic books. His brothers came home, and Donnie called him. "Mikey! Could you come down for a second please? We need to talk to you!" He ignores them, and all three shouted. "NOW MIKEY!!" he sighs and goes to have a long chat with them. He doesn't care anyhow. As long as he's with (Y/N), he feels whole and wants to have a normal love life like all humans do. Despite that, he hopes nothing goes downhill anyway.

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