Chapter 12

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(Y/N's) P.O.V

it's been nearly a few months since I haven't heard anything from Mikey...I dearly miss him so much. I really want to see him but I'm just so afraid he might end up yelling at me. I guess the best option would be to wait. I always wonder what he is doing. probably still feeling heartbroken, or maybe he might end up realizing it's all a big misunderstanding. I never even knew he was even at the ally way on valentine's day! I still blame myself for that happening! if I could undo that situation, none of that would've happened in the first place! Mikey and I would be so happy together! the only downside is his brothers and his dad always complaining! I also hope he saw the present I left him. it's all my fault....I should leave him be for now I guess, and just focus on myself more...

Mikey's P.O.V

I sat in my room upset still. my brothers always checked up on me to see if I am okay....ever since that situation with (Y/N) on valentine's day, things became much harder for me. I couldn't focus on anything at all! I thought playing video games would help, but nothing's working. I only sat in my room all day until one night, after Leo, Raph, and Donnie went out on patrol, they brought me something. "Hey Mikey...uh....we know how hard it is to let someone go, and you'll get over her soon. you did the right thing....and also.....she left this for you..." they showed me a gift, and they handed it to me. "We found it by a random manhole, and we never realized this was sitting here until Donnie spotted it, we guess it could be a goodbye present or something." I grabbed the present and just set it down on the floor. my brothers walked out of my bedroom and I ended up deciding to go outside and just watch the traffic from the rooftop. (Y/N) was always stuck in my mind. it hurts my head...and my heart....maybe....just maybe...I can get a chance just to talk to guess its too late to talk to her now....I jumped from rooftop to rooftop just to try to clear my mind.....but then again...I wonder how she is doing?....maybe I can just call her from a different number and goes....

                                                                                       (Y/N's) P.O.V

I was at work busy doing my daily shift at a local arcade until I got an unexpected call from an unknown number. "hello?" no answer was heard from the other side. "hello?..." still nothing. I hung up and went on with my business. that was strange...unless....could that phone call be Mikey?...if that's the case, than I should probably go to the lair and check on him....I hope he's doing okay...I'm feeling worried for him. That night after work, I changed into some clothing, and headed to the lair so see mikey. as I came inside however, Mikey was nowhere to be seen. I suddenly felt a chill down my spine, I turned around and saw his older brother Leo. "what are you doing here!?'re not allowed here!" I swallowed my pride and spoke. "where's mikey?" Leo sighs and responded. "we are trying to find him. we've searched everywhere......he's missing..." I looked down sadly as I heard leo sighing. "look (Y/N).....just...get out of here okay?....sensei would be furious if he sees you here..." all of sudden, an explosion happened in the lair. Leo grabbed onto me and we flew backwards. those ninjas in black outfits that are known as the foot clan showed up with a female leader. "get them!!" I stood back and leo and his brothers attacked them....

Mikey's P.O.V

I was walking in the alley way and after clearing my mind up a bit for another hour, I headed home. what I never realized however, my life was about to turn upside down...the whole lair was trashed....."no!...No!..." my whole family! gone! I walked around, I stepped on something was a scarf....not just any belonged to (Y/N)...she was here?...I walked to my room and sat down on my bed that is now ruined. "(Y/N)...why did you come here?" I turned around and saw the present crumbled up. and I picked it up. I noticed a small note peeping out of the corner, and I opened it up reading the small letter. "Dear Mikey. I'm so happy having you in my life. I love you very much! I made this present just for you! it's not much, but I've done the best I can. our love for each other will always last forever! I love you! with love, (Y/N)" I read it again and again repeatedly. I suddenly realized....(Y/N) truly does love me all along! I geared up. weapons, attire, and even my rocket skateboard. also, I decided to bring my boom box so I could hear my favorite music. I turned it on, and the song "I need a hero" started playing. my motivation exploded in my own blood stream." look out world! because this hero in a half shell has a smoking hot girlfriend and a family to save!!" 

End of P.O.V

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