Chapter 4

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It was the next morning, and the four turtle brothers were doing their "Training day" like their father told them to do. Mikey was getting distracted being unable to do his training right. "Michelangelo. You seem unfocused today. What's gotten into you?" Splinter raised an eyebrow at his son, and Mikey swallowed his confidence replying. "nothing Master. I.....I'm just a bit tired. That's all." Splinter looks at him in a bit of a suspicious way. "You're not hiding anything from your own father are you?" Mikey looks at his brothers as they all stared back feeling nervous hoping he won't find out about last night. "N-No sensei. He isn't." Raph replied smiling nervously. They all smiled and chuckled acting like nothing even happened. "Hmmm. Very well. But if I find out you were all lying, then you all will be punished in the Hashi." They all nodded without hesitation. "Now. Back to training!" They went back to their training and soon finished after a couple hours. After they finished, they went to go check on (Y/N). She was gone. "Oh no! She's not here! We gotta find her!" Mikey panicked looking for her. Leo calms him down, and takes a deep breath. "We gotta split up and find her. She could be anywhere in our lair." They all agreed with the idea until Splinter walks up to them. "My sons. I forgot to mention to you all. I will be going out tonight to play chinese checkers with an old friend. You four will be on your own staying here. Understand?" They all nodded and smiled again at him. Splinter looks at them strangely. "You all are acting strange today. Is everything alright?" They all responded. "Pfff. Yeah! Everything's fine and dandy dad." Raph whistled trying to act casual. Same with the others. Splinter gently pushes them out of the way and notices the mess in Mikey's room. "Hmm. It seems you had too much fun in your hands." Mikey chuckles. "Yeah. You know me. Your classic fun son here." Splinter sighs and walks away shaking his head. "Teenagers....always enjoy going wild and party hard." Night finally came, and Splinter ends up leaving to go to the surface to play his game of chinese checkers. Meanwhile Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey try to look for the girl. "little girl! Honey Cakes! buttercup! lollipop! pumpkin spice! where are ya?" Raph punches  his shoulder. "would you quit with the cutesy pet names and keep on looking?" Mikey rubs it and sees his cat just cleaning itself. "Klunk! have you seen this girl? she's about this tall, kinda hot, and has nice looking hair like the little mermaid but shinier?" The cat looks at him and stretches its limbs. Mikey starts to panic. "Klunk doesn't know where she is either!!" they all kept on with the search until they stopped when they suddenly heard a loud thud. "ow!" they followed the source of the sound, and that is when they finally found her. "ugh!..." (Y/N) rubbed her head and she looks up as the four turtles stare in complete surprise. Mikey then waved at her with a smile and responds. "hi!" (Y/N) starts screaming, and then Mikey starts screaming. as for the other three brothers, they started to scream as well. "Why are we screaming!!?" Mikey asked in a frantic way. "I don't know!!" Donnie replied. they all eventually stopped screaming except for (Y/N). Leo walks up to her and covers her mouth shushing her. "Hey, Hey! calm down! we're not going to hurt you!" she pushes his hand away, and takes a few steps back. "y-y-you're.....y-you're...." Mikey interrupts her before she could even speak in sentences. "real? yes we are. allow us to introduce ourselves. This is Leo, in the blue. fearless leader, silent but deadly. up next is Donnie. Science geek, and a fix it kind of guy. then there is Raph the muscle, and a cuddly teddy bear at times. and finally yours truly. the party dude who loves to have fun. ladies call me Mikey." his brothers stare at him and he looks back. "what?...." Leo shakes his head sighing and kneels before (Y/N). he starts to speak to her in a soft tone. "Anyways, who are you?....and how did you get here?" (Y/N) takes a deep breath and brings up the courage to speak. "well, I was following a mystery stranger who has three fingers, and noticed he was going into the sewers. that's how I ended up here. I didn't realize this was your home. I didn't know." mikey's eyes suddenly lit up. "wait a minute. I remember now! I'm the mystery guy you were following! I saw you one time and I gave you back your headphones back when you dropped them. even though you were kinda mean to me. but uh no hard feelings." his brothers looked at him with shock. "Mikey! you know her!?" Mikey bites his bottom lip and replies in a nervous way. "n-not really....I think..." Leo gets up, "Great. just great. Now Sensei's going to punish us because of you. even worse, you may have put this poor girl in danger." Mikey looks at his brothers. "w-wait a second! I didn't do anything wrong! I just didn't know she was gonna come here! come on guys!..." his brothers ignore him as they walked away. Mikey sighs and sits down feeling hurt. (Y/N) looks at him with concern. "do they always treat you that way?"  Mikey looks back at her. "Yeah. but not always though. only when I'm involved in something." (Y/N) nods her head in understanding how he feels. "I have a sibling too, so I know being the youngest sucks sometimes." Mikey stares at her for a bit and he clears his throat. "so new here?" (Y/N) nods and replies to him. "yeah. I moved here from Chicago Illinois because my mom found a new job here. My dad passed away when I was a kid and....things just went down hill from there." mikey stares at her for a bit and asked. "how did your dad die?" she looks up at him and responds softly. "he died from a car accident." she looks down to the floor and mikey responds. "I'm so sorry to hear that." she slightly looks up. "thanks..." he scoots a little closer and starts to talk to her more. "don't mind my bros. they may a bit weird and cranky at first. but once you get to know them, they ain't bad. they are family and always will be. that's what matters. plus our father is a rat. we call him Master splinter." (Y/N)'s eyes widened a bit looking at him. "so...that rat is your father?..." Mikey nods and smiles. "yep. I know. it's weird, but he's the nicest and wisest rat you'll meet. you'll see when he comes back. although once he sees you, he'll put us through the Hashi." (Y/N) cringed a bit when he said that. "what's that?" Mikey sits up and explains what it actually is. "basically it's a punishment where we have to balance on objects so he could make one of us tell the truth. our only weakness is pizza. works every time." (Y/N) starts laughing. "really? pizza? that's so strange but funny." she laughs even more and then Mikey laughs along with her. they were slowly but surely starting to warm up with each other and Mikey smiles at her. she smiles back. Mikey couldn't help on how enchanting she looks to him. a mutant and human being friends may be rare, but could love even work between the two? well, only one way to find out. 

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