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THE GROUP RAN DOWN THE CORRIDORS OF THE SCHOOL TOWARD THE PHYSICS LABORATORY, Lindsey winced as the pain coming from her arm flared up slightly

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THE GROUP RAN DOWN THE CORRIDORS OF THE SCHOOL TOWARD THE PHYSICS LABORATORY, Lindsey winced as the pain coming from her arm flared up slightly. They could hear the screeches of the Krillitanes coming from behind them as they reached the classroom. "Get in!" the Doctor yelled, pushing the others through the doors, he let go of Lindsey's hand, slamming the door. Pulling out his sonic to lock the door. 

Lindsey leaned up against the wall holding her arm, she could feel the wetness from her wound from under her jacket dripping down her arm. "Dammit," she groaned, putting pressure on the wound. Sarah Jane stood beside her, "Let's get that jacket off," she said helping Lindsey out of her jacket. Maisie walked up with a first aid kit that she had found in the physics room.

"Here, I found this." Maisie passed the box to Sarah Jane, who replied with a 'thank you. Rose was sitting on one of the chairs, uninterested. She knew deep down that she couldn't get back with the Doctor but his stubborn ass wasn't going to give up on the one she loves. She did love Mickey at a time but meeting the Doctor changed that then Lindsey arrived, yes she didn't mind her at the very... very beginning but as soon as he asked her to come along things changed. Mickey on the other hand wanted Rose to dismiss this petty jealousy over Lindsey, it wasn't healthy and it was childish to put it simply.

The Doctor was in his own world, he was trying to figure out how to stop the Krillitanes that he failed to notice his Lindsey was in pain till she cried out as Sarah Jane dabbed the wound with a cloth. "Lindsey?!" 

"I'm fine," Lindsey replied, wincing as Sarah Jane wrapped the bandage around the wound. "Don't worry."

"He'll always worry about you, mum," Maisie commented, hugging Lindsey. 

"My arm is the least of our worries, we need to find a way to stop the Krillitanes," Lindsey said. A look of realization came across the Doctor's face.

"It's the oil," he announced. "Krillitane life forms can't handle the oil. That's it! They've changed their physiology so often, even their own oil is toxic to them." He turned to Rose, "How much was there in the kitchens?"

"Barrels of it," Rose replied. A loud screech and banging draw their attention to the doors. The Krillitanes were trying to get in.

"Okay, we need to get to the kitchens. Mickey."

"What now, hold the coats?" Mickey snarked.

"Get all the children unplugged and out of the school," the Doctor told him. Maisie eyed the fire alarm on the wall. "Now then, bats, bats, bats. How do we fight bats?" the young blonde elbowed the fire alarm caused it to go off.

"Come on," Maisie shouted. The Doctor grinned at the young blonde, taking Lindsey's hand running her their adopted daughter. Rose, Sarah Jane, Kenny, and Mickey following close behind. The Krillitanes screech out in pain by the noise produced by the fire alarm.

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