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THE TARDIS DOORS OPEN REVEALING THE DOCTOR AND LINDSEY WHO STOOD BESIDE HIM, the Doctor has his arm around her waist, "Did you miss me?" the Doctor grinned at those group in front of them, who had turned to look at them

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THE TARDIS DOORS OPEN REVEALING THE DOCTOR AND LINDSEY WHO STOOD BESIDE HIM, the Doctor has his arm around her waist, "Did you miss me?" the Doctor grinned at those group in front of them, who had turned to look at them. Rose smiled widely at the Doctor.

"Doctor," she whispered, through her smile fell when she saw that his arm was wrapped around Lindsey's waist, 'What the hell..!' she glared at the Doctor's hand resting on the side of the red-heads waist.

One of the aliens - who appeared to be the leader - roared and cracked an electric whip at them. Lindsey yelped in surprise as it aimed towards her. The Doctor glared at the alien leader, pulling Lindsey behind him as he simply caught the whip and pulled it out of the alien's hand.

"You could have hit Lindsey with that," the Doctor growled, as he stepped forward to meet the alien. Lindsey followed behind but walked over to Mickey who put himself in front of her in case something was to happen, much to his ex's annoyance.

"How dare...!" the alien leader cried as he lifted a thick club but the Doctor simply grabbed it out of the alien's hand and snapped it easily across his knee.

"You just can't get the staff." The Doctor grumbled. "Now, you, just wait. I'm busy." He declared before turning back towards the group of humans. Lindsey couldn't help but smile at the Doctor.

"Mickey, hello!," the Doctor greeted cheerily, "And Harriet Jone MP for Flydale North," he continued, turning toward the Prime Minister. "Blimey, it's like This Is Your Life." He turned back to face Lindsey, "Tea! That's all I needed, a good cup of tea!" The Doctor couldn't help but smile at the one who had captured his hearts. "Superheated infusion of free radicals and tannin. Just the thing for healing the synapses."

His face dropped and his tone became serious, "Now, first thing's first. Be honest." He stared at her intently. "How do I look?"

Rose gazed at him, taking in his features. "Different," she responded, causing the Doctor to glance at her. She still couldn't help but notice that he was more attractive than his last self, 'Mmm he is cuter than before and younger', Rose thought dreamily.

"Good different or bad different?" The Doctor asked.

"Defiantly handsome." Lindsey blushed, making his hearts hammer in his chest. Rose glared at her.

"Am I ginger?" The Doctor asked, even more, serious than before.

Lindsey looks up at his hair, tilting her head, "No, you have brown hair."

"Aw! I wanted to be ginger." The Doctor pouted, he wrapped his arm around her waist. "I've never been ginger."

"Only time will tell." The Doctor smiled before it fell as he turned towards Rose.

"And you, Rose Tyler, fat lot of good you were." The Doctor pointed, causing the blonde to look down, clearing annoyed and embarrassed. "You gave up on me. At least I had Lindsey." Rose glared at her.

Brave Enough ━━ 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑² ( 𝐬.𝐮 )Where stories live. Discover now