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ROSE AND MICKEY HAD MANAGED TO CARRY THE DOCTOR BACK INSIDE THE FLAT WITH JACKIE FOLLOWING CLOSE BEHIND, Lindsey didn't follow as she walked up to the edge of the railing looking out towards the stars, she still couldn't come to terms that he was ...

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ROSE AND MICKEY HAD MANAGED TO CARRY THE DOCTOR BACK INSIDE THE FLAT WITH JACKIE FOLLOWING CLOSE BEHIND, Lindsey didn't follow as she walked up to the edge of the railing looking out towards the stars, she still couldn't come to terms that he was in this situation because she went back to save him at the cost of his former self, through part of herself was telling her it wasn't her fault.

"This is all my fault." Lindsey sighed, as a stray tear fell down her cheek.

"No it's not." a voice said, making her break away from her thoughts as she turned to see a man in his 30's approach her, "If you didn't go back for him he would be dead now."

Lindsey froze, "How did you..?"

"Don't worry m... Lindsey." the man said, as he stepped closer to Lindsey pulling her into an unexpected hug, "Everything's going to be fine."

The man stepped away, "Don't let Rose get you down, she doesn't understand how much you mean to him," he said as he turned away to leave.

"Wait!," Lindsey said, as she reached out and grabbed his arm, "Who are you?"

The man smiled at her, "It's too soon for you to know," he pressed the contraption on his wrist, Lindsey noticed that it was a vortex manipulator, like Jack's. "See you soon, Lindsey," he grinned as he disappeared.

Lindsey stood there froze, "Why does he look familiar?" she asked herself, before shaking her she headed back toward the flat, with a lot of questions flowing through her mind about the mysterious man.

· ━━━━━ ·⚘· ━━━━━ ·

Rose was standing beside the Doctor's side, as she mops his brow with a flannel, he seemed restless and he had a sheen of sweat on his skin. Mickey walked past the room, only stopping to see his ex near the Doctor, most would believe that he was jealous of the sight but he didn't feel anything at that moment cause he knew that the Doctor cared for someone else but Rose couldn't see that or wouldn't see it because she was blinded by her lust for the Doctor.

Rose felt eyes on her as she looks up to see Mickey looking at her, "What?" she snapped, causing him to frown.

Mickey shakes his head before turning toward the door as Lindsey finally entered the flat, she looks up at him as he walked toward the lounge.

Lindsey sighed as she entered Jackie's room to see Rose leaning over the Doctor's body. She frowned at the state he was in as she leaned against the door frame.

"What the hell do you want!" Rose snapped, glaring at Lindsey, "Can't you see that he's like this because of you!"

Lindsey glared back at Rose, she had dealt with the blonde's crap for long enough ever since that damned museum. "Why can't you stop be so self-centered about everything."

"Excuse me?"

"You make out that everything is about you and that everyone should just drop everything for you. Look at Mickey for goodness sake, all you've done is bully him and demand things of him making him pause his own life for you."

Brave Enough ━━ 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑² ( 𝐬.𝐮 )Where stories live. Discover now