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LINDSEY WAS LAYING ON THE BED IN THE ARMS OF THE DOCTOR, both unaware of her fob watch glowing slightly in the darkness of the room

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LINDSEY WAS LAYING ON THE BED IN THE ARMS OF THE DOCTOR, both unaware of her fob watch glowing slightly in the darkness of the room. There was barely any noise from the room except a few quiet snores coming from the Doctor who laid next to her. Her eyes flickered around from under her eyelids, her breathing began to quicken as she fell into another dream.

Lindsey's eyes opened, she let out a breath that she hadn't realized that she had held. Her vision became clear as she finds herself in a maze. Her eyes darted from left to right as she was beginning to panic. It looked too real as if her dream created a simulation of real life. The lush dark green hedges rose at least 20 feet into the sky. In her mind she hoped that this was a dream, she remembered that she was staying at Sarah-Jane's home with the Doctor, Maisie, and Mickey. 

She ran down the hedgerows, going left to right, but it all looked the same. Every which way she ran down she ended up in the same place she arrived at. 

There was an uncomfortable and eerie stillness in the maze, the mist or fog was surrounding herself and seemed to have lined the walls of the maze-like a blanket. It sort of reminded her of the Triwizard maze from Harry Potter. "What the hell is going on-" Lindsey was cut off by the sounds of stones moving in the distance. She had heard that before in another dream, she couldn't think what it was. It seems a fair distance away from her as if in another part of the maze, but that wasn't the only sound she heard. 

Lindsey heard the sounds of laser fire and screaming close by, she froze in her steps. She knew that laser fire from anywhere.

"Exterminate." Lindsey slowly turned to see a Dalek wheeling up to her. Its gunstick was pointing directly at her. "Exterminate." It screamed. Lindsey let out a yelp as she dodged the laser that shot past her, she fell into the hedge. "Exterminate." It screamed again, as it wheeled close and closer to her. She pushed herself away from the hedge, turning in the opposite direction, and ran. She didn't look back until it was too late, letting out a scream as she was knocked back by the blast from the Dalek. She fell through a hole that suddenly appeared in the wall of the maze. 

The maze grew darker and darker the further in she went, the air had gotten colder to the point where she could see her breath. Lindsey stood up off the ground, hearing the sound of the Dalek moving away in another direction. She heard movement behind her, it was the same stone movement she heard from before but much closer. Slowly turned to find an angel peering down at her, its mouth open revealing its stone fangs. She let out a gasp, backing away from it she finds herself in an open part of the maze. The angel only feet away from her, moving close and closer every time she blinked. 

She found herself trapped in a glass box, trapped with an angel outside. "This can't be happening," Lindsey muttered to herself, it couldn't be here not in another dream. There was more movement coming from all sides, as she saw that three more angels had appeared before her. Lindsey couldn't help but let out a whimper that was heard by the Doctor.

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