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THE DOCTOR WALKED AROUND THE CONSOLE FLICKING DIALS AND BUTTONS, while Lindsey and Maisie watched him. Lindsey had gotten a call from Mickey about Deffry Vale High School in London. "So who is this Mickey bloke," Maisie asked, leaning against the console.

"It's Rickey," the Doctor blurted out as he punched in the coordinates back to 2006. Lindsey hit his arm. "He was a friend to my former companion." He would rather not have returned to 2006 because there was a possibility that they might end up seeing her.

"I met him when we stopped off in Cardiff back in 2005. There was a situation with a Slitheen, almost ripped the Earth apart."

Maisie frowned, "What's a Slitheen?"

Lindsey and the Doctor shared a look. "They were a species from Raxacoricofallapatorius - "

"Raxacorico... what?"

"Raxacoricofallapatorius." the Doctor repeated.

"Raxacorico..." Maisie started. "fallapatorius," she cheered. Lindsey laughed as the young blonde pulled her into a tight hug.

Lindsey turned to the Doctor. "It's still strange though, so many children getting ill and a bunch of brand new staff members so suddenly."

"Well, we won't know till we find out," Maisie said.

"Alright then," the Doctor pulled down a lever bringing them into flight. "Let's go

· ━━━━━ ·⚘· ━━━━━ ·

Back in 2006, Mickey just hung up his call with Lindsey, he got up from his couch, grabbing a bag to head toward the front door to meet up with Lindsey and the Doctor. It had been about six months since the Christmas Invasion, six months since the Doctor and Lindsey left and six months since his ex, Rose stopped talking to anyone except Jackie.

When he heard about what was going on at that school he knew that he had to call them, he gave Lindsey his number in case something would happen. Just as he reached his front door then, suddenly his phone rang, looking down on the screen to see... Rose.

Mickey sighed, hanging up the call. Only to hear the doorbell ring... Please don't tell me ... He opened to see the familiar blonde.

"Hi." Rose greeted, she looked tired, with bags under her eyes as if she hasn't been sleeping well. Her hair was messy, she didn't look like herself from months ago. She noticed that he had a bag and his keys in his hand. "Where are you going?" she frowned.

"Out." With Mickey's vague answer, he locked his door. Pushing past his ex toward his car. "Why today," he muttered under his breath, hopping into the car. Before he could drive off through, Rose quickly opened the door, planting herself in the passenger seat.

"Tell me. Where are you going?" Rose demanded.

"Why do you want to know," Mickey snapped. After months of being ignored by her, she finally wants to know what he was up to now. "Now, please get out of my car."

Brave Enough ━━ 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑² ( 𝐬.𝐮 )Where stories live. Discover now