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THE DOCTOR PUT THE TARDIS IN THE VORTEX AFTER THEIR TRIP TO 1879, the Doctor knew that both of them were tired

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THE DOCTOR PUT THE TARDIS IN THE VORTEX AFTER THEIR TRIP TO 1879, the Doctor knew that both of them were tired. There were so many things on his mind at that moment the golden hue that shone in her eyes was the Time Vortex, he believed he took all of that energy out of her when she looked into the Heart of the TARDIS before he regenerated.

"That's impossible," he muttered under his breath. The TARDIS' lights flickered as she hummed. "What do you mean that's not impossible?"

The TARDIS sent him a hum through his mind in annoyance, silently telling him that it wasn't time to know yet. "Do you know something I don't!" the Doctor snapped, clearly annoyed that his TARDIS was holding out information that he wanted to know. He yelped as the console zapped his hand. "Ow!"

The lights flickered once more, along with a hum. 'You must not know yet. It's too soon.' a voice that he couldn't hear spoke as if a breeze blew past the Time Lord. A scream echoed throughout the console room, "Lindsey." The Doctor rushed out of the console room toward the redheads' room.

· ━━━━━ ·⚘· ━━━━━ ·

Lindsey had fallen asleep the moment she got into her bed, she was exhausted from running from that alien werewolf but also from the constant headaches she had been having lately. Unknowingly to her, the TARDIS knew what her dreams were about and why she was getting headaches, but she knew it was too soon. Lindsey tossed and turned in her bed, sweat on her brow as she was moaning in her sleep. She soon faded into a dream that wasn't a dream... But a memory.

Lindsey was returning home from her Artemis tour. Even though her fans were happy, she wasn't as it had been two years since Jack had just disappeared without a trace. The police had search parties out for him but to no avail.

She was leaning against the window of her tour bus, it was raining, not heavily but enough to be a nuisance.

"Hey, Linds!" Lindsey snapped from her thoughts, turning toward one of her friends who came with her. "Are you back on Earth?"

"Yeah, sorry Cassie," Lindsey said, turning back to the window. "Just a lot on my mind right now."

"It is about Jack?"

"You could say that." Lindsey leaned against the glass, closing her eyes, as she drifted off to sleep. A sudden crack of lightning awoke her from her sleep. She was still on her tour bus but something was wrong. The lights were all out, and the heating was off. "What the hell?"

The windows to the bus were all frozen over. "Okay, that's not weird at all," she muttered under her breath. "Cassie!" Her voice echoed throughout the bus, as she stood up from her seat. She jumped at the sound of thunder, "Shit."

The pink-haired girl stepped off the bus to find herself no longer on the motorway but near an abandoned, run-down house. Most of the windows were either cracked or broken. The ran was pouring down on her, as she rushed over to the door. Repeated flashes of lightning illuminated the area. Lindsey didn't know why but something was calling her to enter the house, warning bells were ringing in her mind, she opened the double doors causing a loud creak.

It was only ten minutes since she left the comfort of the now-abandoned tour bus, as Lindsey walked down the halls of the house, the sounds of stones moving entered her ears as she ascends the stairs. She felt a chill run down her spine, halting in her steps as the sounds grew louder and louder, almost as if there was something behind her. Ignoring all thoughts to not turn around, not to face whatever was now standing behind her. Lindsey turned, she screamed as her world went dark.


'Wake up!'


"Lindsey!" said person awoke in a start. The Doctor was sitting by her bedside, his eyes showed concern as he held her face in his hands. "It's alright, it's just a dream," he said, pulling her into his arms.

"It wasn't just a dream," she whispered, leaning into her chest. He stroked her hair, in an attempt to calm her down. He had heard her scream from the console room, and he ran to her room. He was surprised Maisie didn't hear the scream, though he had a feeling that the TARDIS didn't want her to hear as she had a lot on her mind since they found her on New Earth.

The Doctor had moved them to lay on the bed with her secure in his arms, humming a Gallifreyan tune that made her relax. It was a tune his mother had hummed to him whenever he had a nightmare, yet it seemed strangely familiar to Lindsey. "Are you alright now?"

Lindsey shook her head, leaning against his chest. His heartbeats were the only thing that was keeping her from crying. "No."

"What were you dreaming about?" he whispered, resting his head against hers.

"I think it was the night I disappeared," Lindsey replied, quietly. "I was heading home from my tour and I... I - "

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," the Doctor said. The pair laid in silence for what felt like hours, besides the occasional humming coming from the Time Lord in hopes to ease the red-haired girl from her previous nightmare. Lindsey tried to remember her dream or nightmare toward the end, but whenever she tried to picture the thing that was behind her it was blurry like she wasn't meant to see what it was.

Lindsey jumped at the sound of the familiar clockwork intro of her song, the Doctor had reached over to grab her phone. He rolled his eyes seeing who was ringing. "That idiot. What does he want?" He muttered, answering the call. "Ricky the idiot," the Doctor greeted.

"Doctor!?" Mickey's sounded surprised to hear his voice on Lindsey's phone. "Why have you got Linnie's phone?"

'Linnie?' the Doctor frowned at the nickname. "I just do. What do you want?"

"Well, there's an emergency and I wanted to talk to Linnie. See how she's doing since... well you know." Mickey said.

"She's doing fine, besides I decided to kick her off, after the torment, she put Lindsey through -"

"I know that!" Mickey interrupted. "But that's not why I called."

"What's going on?" Lindsey muttered, she saw the Doctor with her phone. "Whose on the phone?"

"Rickey - "

"It's Mickey!" Mickey snapped from the other side of the line. Lindsey took the phone from the Doctor, who pouted.

"Hey, Mickey?" Lindsey asked, before they left she had given Mickey her number, and told him to contact her encase of emergencies or just to talk in general. "What's going on?"

"Well, it's about this school...."


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