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THE GROUP RAN DOWN THE HALLWAY LINED WITH GREEN CELLS AS ALL THE LOCKS BEGAN TO EXPLODE, showering the group in sparks as they ran past, the Doctor looked over the edge of the catwalk they'd ran onto and his eyes widened as all of the doors opened

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THE GROUP RAN DOWN THE HALLWAY LINED WITH GREEN CELLS AS ALL THE LOCKS BEGAN TO EXPLODE, showering the group in sparks as they ran past, the Doctor looked over the edge of the catwalk they'd ran onto and his eyes widened as all of the doors opened. "Oh my god," Cassandra blanched.

"What the hell have you done?" the Doctor snapped.

"It wasn't me!" she protested. Well, you started it.

Cassandra flinched as the Doctor gritted his teeth. "One touch and you get every disease in the world, and I want Lindsey's body-safe, Cassandra. We've got to go down."

"But there are thousands of them!"

"Run!" he shouted at her. "Down! Down! Go down!"

"This building is under quarantine. Repeat, this building is under quarantine. No one may leave the premises. Repeat, no one may leave the premises."

"Keep going! Go down!"

Cassandra ran over to one of the lifts, "No, the lifts have closed down. That's the quarantine. Nothing's moving."

"This way!" Cassandra yelled, running past them and leading them down a series of tunnels, pipes lining the walls. The Doctor followed, Maisie behind, followed at the end by Chip. Cassandra yelped as infected people started entering the tunnel as they ran past. Maisie heard a cry of fear and turned to see the man with sepia patterned skin was trapped, unable to reach them as the infected people stood between them.

"Someone will touch him!" the Doctor yelled, turning back.

"Leave him!" Cassandra snapped at them. "He's just a clone thing. He's only got a half-life. Come on!" She tugged on the Doctor's arm before running off and the Doctor looked at the man helplessly.

"Mistress!" Chip cried in fear, and the Doctor reached out apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I can't let her escape." He cried in despair, before turning, grabbing Maisie's hand on the way as she stood watching as more infected people entered the tunnels.

"My Mistress!" They heard the man sorrowfully.

· ━━━━━ ·⚘· ━━━━━ ·

They ran into a concrete room, the Doctor slamming the door behind them as Cassandra rushed to the other side. She wrenched opened a back door but shrieked as she was met by infected people. She slammed the door shut and turned to face the doctor. "We're trapped." She cried in fear. "What am I going to do?"

"Well, for starters, you're going to leave that body." The Doctor pointed out, glaring at her. "That psychograft is banned on every civilized planet. You're compressing Lindsey to death.

"But I've got nowhere to go," Cassandra admitted with a snap. "My original skins dead."

"Not my problem." The Doctor growled. "You can float as atoms in the air. Now, get out." Cassandra glared at the Doctor as raised his sonic at her. "Give her back to me!" the Doctor ordered.

Brave Enough ━━ 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑² ( 𝐬.𝐮 )Where stories live. Discover now