Chapter Thirty Three: Adam's Mum

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Adam has been funny all week. He won't hold a proper conversation with me. He barely ever takes hanging out opportunities. I sigh and get up and out of bed. I go across the hall and into his room.

"Hey." I say as I walk in.

He's still asleep. His chest rising and falling. I smile. He's a cute sleeper. I close his door behind me and walk over to his bed. I climb in and snuggle up to his warm body.

He stirs and sits up.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you. Is that a crime?"

"Adam's busy, come back later."

He stands up and goes over to his door. He opens it. I walk out.

"Dickhead." I mutter as I walk past him.

He closes the door behind him. What the fuck is wrong with him? He's been distant all week and now he's being a prick. I sigh and go downstairs.

"Morning." John smiles at me from the table.

"Hey." I say grabbing myself an apple.

I take a bite.

"What's Adam's problem?" I ask and then take another bite.

John sighs.

"Adam's mother died today. In the week of her death he gets distant and moody. He spends a lot of time by himself. Then, he is in a foul mood. He hasn't yet come to terms with her passing."


I finish off my apple and head upstairs, I plan to talk to Adam. A little monkey gets in my way.

"Amy!" Megan squeals with joy.

"Hey pooper." I grin and ruffle her hair.

"Come watch TV with me!" She says as she grabs my hand with her little one.

"Okay I will. Just give me one minute okay."


She drops my hand and goes off downstairs. I walk to Adam's room. I knock on the door.

"Go away!" He calls through the door.

I sigh and walk in anyway. His back is too me. I oggle at his shoulder muscles. He is topless and in red pyjama bottoms. The door closes behind me.

"I said go away." He sighs, still not turning around.

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him. His body is warm. I kiss his shoulder. His bare skin warms my lips.

"I know." I whisper against him.

I peep over his shoulder. He's holding a picture frame. The girl in the photo has long blonde hair and blue eyes. She is beautiful. She's Adam but in woman form.

"She is beautiful." I say in his ear.

"I miss her." He whispers.

His voice is quiet, soft and full of pain.

"Look at me." I say.

He shakes his head.

"Look at me Adam. Please..."

He turns. His eyes are brimmed with tears. I place my hand on his cheek.

"I'm here. You're not alone. Don't push me away."

He crashes his lips onto mine. I respond to the kiss and wrap my arms round his neck. His hands slip up my top and are on my bare back.

We pull away breathless. I walk over to his bed and sit down. My heart is beating a thousand times a second.

"Tell me about her." I say as I lay down.

He comes and lays next to me.

"Every Sunday she would take me out to the park."

He tells me stories about his mum.

"And then she got sick. The doctors tried to cure her. She just got worse..." He looks down and turns his head away.

"Hey." I turn his head back to face me. "It's okay. I'm so sorry for what happened. But your mum would be so proud of you. She is."

"Why? I'm a total jerk."

"Correction, you were a total jerk. And that's putting it mildly. But look at you now."

He smiles weakly.

"I don't talk about her."

"Until now." I smile.

I peck his lips.

"Come on." I say standing up.

"Where are we going?"

"You need to eat and I'm hungry."

He laughs and gets up. He puts his pyjama top on and follows me downstairs.

John walks over to Adam. He pulls him into a hug.

"I love you son." He says.

Adam hugs him back. "I love you too Dad."

I grab the box of Cookie Crisp cereal from the cupboard and wall into the lounge. I plonk down onto the sofa next to Meg.

"You too ages." She pouts.

"Sorry Meggy. Come on, I'm here now." I smile.

She scooters over and hugs me. I hug her back. She doesn't let go so I grab a handful of Cookie Crisp and shove it into my mouth. I eat around her. Meg has put Kung Fu Panda on. Jack Black is the best Panda ever. I turn my head. Adam and John look like they're having an in-depth conversation. I turn my attention back to the TV. I giggle along with Meg.

Adam and John walk out the kitchen. Adam looks happier with more life in him and John look pleased and relieved.

"What you watching?" John asks as he sits on the other sofa.

"Kung Fo Panda." Meg answers.

"I love this film!" Adam grins and sits down next to me.

John gets up and goes into the kitchen.

"Everything good?" I ask as I turn to face him.

He nods. "We talked about mum. It was... Nice. I'm not used to talking about her."

"Well I'm glad everything is good." I smile.

"Shhh!" Megan hisses. "I'm trying to watch the film!"

Adam and I chuckle and then watch the film. I look at him from the corner of my eye occasionally and he does the same.

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