Chapter Twenty Five: Recovery

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I yawned and sat up. Adrien's arms were still around me. He was sleeping. We had spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch watching films with Grace, Carla and Ab. We were all recovering from our horrible hangovers so we kept drifting in and out of sleep. It was about 8 in the evening now.

"Hey." Carla yawned stretching.

"Hey." I smiled.

Her stomach growled. I laughed.


"Starved." She answered.


She grinned.

"Thought so." I chuckled lightly.

We went into the kitchen and I put a pizza in the oven. We had another dose of painkillers each and a glass of coke.

"I'm never drinking again." Carla said.

"You say that every time."

"But this time I mean it."

"Sure you do."

"I do."


"It was an amazing night though."

"Yeah it was." I smiled.

"Where are Tom and Adam?"

"No idea. I fell asleep straight after you."

The timer went off and I took out the pizza. It smelt amazing! Carla licked her lips and pulled of a slice of pepperoni.

"Ah! Hot hot hot!" She said as she chewed.

I laughed and cut the pizza up. I put both halfs onto a plate and then went back into the lounge.

"Ooo Big Bang!" Carla grinned and stopped flicking through the channels.

We sang the theme tune together, we did this every episode we watched. Carla and I are obsessed. If I could I'd get a pet Sheldon Cooper.

"We built a wall!" She sang.

"We built the pyramids!"

"Maths, science, history, unravelling the mystery, that all started with the big bang. BANG." We sang together and then laughed.

"What time you going home?"

"Hopefully not soon. If that's okay."

"Course it is! Dude, move in. You're one of my bestfriends, I love you. Stay here as long as you can."

She smiled. "Thanks Amy. It means a lot. You've done so much for me. I love you too bezzie."

"Is stuff still rough at home?"

"Yeah..." She sighed. "Dad is working all the time, and mum spends all her nights with bottles of wine and fags. I hate being in the house."

I pulled her into a hug.

"This place is your second house." I smiled at her and she chuckled.

"It actually is."

We talked more and watched three more episodes of The Big Bang Theory. The others were still fast asleep.

"Adrien's adorable when he's sleeping." Carla said.

I laughed. "He is."

He looked so peaceful and angelic when he was sleeping. This amazing, sexy, Frenchman was mine. MWHAHAHAHA. I should be insane to want anybody else. Especially somebody who is my stepbrother. But I am insane.

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