Chapter Forty Six: Pain

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We wave mum and John off. Megan is staying with Aunt Ray, so Adam and I have the house to ourselves for two weeks. It's a shame we have school to go to. As tempting as it is not to, we have loads of exams.

Once the car is out of site we shut the door and go inside.

"What to do know?" I ask.

"I have an idea..." Adam grins and whispers in my ear.

I know where this is going. I know that look. He sweeps me up in his arms bridal style and carries me upstairs to his room.

I get up off the bed and into his bathroom. I turn on the shower.

"Where was my invitation?" A sexy voice whispers in my ear.

I turn around kiss Adam. Round two.

"Let's have a party!" He suggests.


I'm not big for huge house parties, but Adam likes them. I guess half the reason he is so popular is his constant parties. And is incredible buff body. And his handsome face. I'll just hang around with the girls. I'm not good when it comes to house parties.

Adam makes a few calls.

"Everybody will come round at nine." He smiles.

"Okay cool."

We watch TV and then at half eight I go upstairs. I put on black tights and purple ripped denim shorts. I put on a black top which is slashed at the back. I do black eye make up and brush my hair.

I can ear the music already. Another reason I'm not good when it comes to parties- I hate the chart music.

I slip my feet into my converse and go downstairs. There are already twenty people here... I fight my way through the crowds and find Adam.

He sees me and grins. I walk over and he wraps his arm around my waist.

"This is Amy, speak of the devil." He laughs lightly and so does the guy he was talking too.

I blush. God, what had Adam been telling this guy about me? I love that we can openly talk about each other though.

"I'm going to get a drink." I say.

"Okay babe." Adam kisses my lips and I go off to get a drink.

It's still early so I just stick with a Pepsi.


I jump and turn to see Carla and Grace pissing themselves.

"Fuck guys that scared me!"

"We know. You jumped five feet in the air!"

They start laughing again.

"Bullies." I pout.

"Aw I'm sorry baby. Can we make it up to you?" Grace says in a silly patronising tone.

I hang with the girls and we muck around for a bit. We drink, mock the sluts and dance around to the shit music. Everybody else looks at us strangely and some even join in. Most people seem to be having a great time.

By one everybody is incredibly drunk. I honeslty feel sorry for the poor couches. I've seen Mickie basically hump four different guys on the poor couch. Poor couch. Poor guys. I really don't even know why she's here. Why would Adam invite his old fuck buddy? I find it hard to belive that Mickie and Grace are actually related.

I look around the room. I can't see Adam anywhere. I see a lot of crop tops and short skirts. Loads of extensions and orange faces. But no boyfriend. I want to give Adam a hug and a kiss. Remind him how much I love him. I think the Bacardi has put me in a happy mode.

I step outside and go into the garden. Damn it's cold! I notice to figures out in the dark. I walk over and see two figures. I freeze. That's Mickie. And Adam.

My breath stops. She's close to him. Too close. She's getting closer to him.

My chest tightens and I stare in shock. My heart shatteres and tears fall down my face. I'm going to be sick. She's kissing him! My boyfriend. My Adam. I'm going to be sick.

I turn and run away from the horrible scene. I run past and through all the people still partying. I go straight upstairs to my room and jump down onto my bed. I let it all out. My pain. My heartache. My disgust. My stupidity. How could I trust somebody like him? He just had to throw it back in my face.

"Oh my God Amy!" I hear Grace say. "What's wrong?"

The bed dips down as she sits on it.

I look up at my beat friend. Concern clouds her face and she pulls me into a hug. I cry on her and she rubs my back.

Once my eyes are stinging and no more tears can possibly come out I pull out of the hug. I rest my head on Grace's lap and she strokes my hair.

"What happened?" She asks.

"He... He... And her..."

She looks even more confused.

"Mickie and Adam." I say.

My voice is shaky and I think I'm going to be sick again. Grace stands up.


"Grace wait!" I call after her as she opens my door.

She turns around to face me.

"Tomorrow." I say.

She nods and comes back into my room with me. I slither into my bed and Grace gives me a hug.

I feel like I've been split in two. My chest hurts and my throat feels like it's closing.

How could he? With her? Why? Was I not enough? I gave him everything. My trust. My attention. My love. My body. My heart.

Grace climbs into bed with me and comforts me. It loosens the pain knowing I have such a reliable and caring best friend. What would I do without her?

I'd probably feel worse than I did at the minute. That seems almost impossible. I shut my eyes and force the sickening image out of my mind. I try to get some sleep. Maybe I'll find out this was all some horrible nightmare. Maybe I'll wake up in Adam's arms. Maybe I'll wake up any minute now with no red, raw and sore eyes. No broken heart.

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