Chapter Twenty Six: Loosing Control

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I haven't spoken or properly talked to Adam in three days. I ignore him most the time, or just give him simple nods or gestures. It's hard and I feel awful. He is being so nice and sweet but I'm just being a blank wall. I just can't let myself be around him or have a nice conversation with him because history will repeat itself and I'll end up crushing on him again.

"I'm making beans on toast, want any?" Adam asked me.

I just shook my head. I didn't even lift my eyes up to meet him. I just resumed staring at my math homework. I heard him sigh. Then a loud bang came from the kitchen. My head shot up and saw that Adams hand was on the saucepan which he had just slammed down on the counter.

"What the fuck have I done Amy?!" He shouted.

"What?" I asked.

"What have I done to upset you? Why are you not speaking to me? I try really hard! I've been trying!"

I sighed. "I know you have."

I didn't realise it had gotten to him this much. I wouldn't think it would get to him at all.

"So what did I do?" He walked towards me.

I backed up. Damnit wall. He continued to walk towards me. He was soon against me and I was backed up against the wall. He was so close. I felt his breath. I could smell him. It felt so good being this close. I looked up into his eyes. I missed seeing them. Staring into the blue pools.

"You haven't done anything."

"Then why haven't you looked or spoken to me?" He asked frustrated.

"Why do you care?" I replied quickly.

I have to get out of this position. I'm too close to him. Part of me is screaming to run my hands through his hair and put my lips onto his pink soft lips.

"Because I miss speaking to you." He whispered.

His breath was on my face. It smelt of peppermint. He closed his eyes. That's it. Damn my low self control.

I threw my arms around his neck and crushed my lips on his. He froze. Shit. Damn it Amy. Way to fuck stuff up. I began to pull away but Adam's arm flew around my waist. He pulled me closer to him and pressed his lips harder against mine.

Our lips moved hungrily together. My tongue roamed his mouth, he tasted minty. I loved it. My heart was pounding, sparks were flying. He moaned as I bit down on his lip. He pushed back so I was slammed against the wall. His arms moved down to my thighs and I was pulled up. I wrapped my legs around him.

"We're home!" My mums voice called.

We froze and heard the front door slam shut. Adam and I broke apart and he put me down. Before I had time to look at him Megan ran in and hugged my feet.

"AMY!" She screamed happily.

"Hey Megs." I relied smiling as I swooped her up into a proper hug.

"I missed you." She pouted.

"I missed you too."

John and mum walked in. They hugged Adam.

"Good to see you son."

"You too dad. Have a good time?"

"It was good." My mum answered. "Busy though."

"I'm shocked you managed to keep the house together." Grinned John.

"Do you guys want to go get ready? We're going out for tea."

"We have to get ready?"

"Out out for tea."


This meant we were going to a posh restaurant. I hated this part of living with mum.

I went up into my room and slipped on a plain black, sleeveless dress. It was figure hugging. I slipped my feet into my purple skulled heels and tied my hair up into a fancy bun. I walked downstairs.

"Wow!" My mum said smiling. "You look beautiful."

"You do." Agreed John.

"Thanks." I smiled.

Adam was playing with Megan. He was wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He looked incredible, as usual. I quickly removed my eyes from him and we left to go to the restaurant.

Dinner was good. Fancy. But good. I'd missed mum and Meg and John. I didn't talk to Adam the whole night. Or even look at him. I had no idea why not. I guess I'm scared. I don't regret the kiss. Infant it was the greatest kiss I'd ever had. I have never felt anything like it. Kissing Adrien was great, but the kiss with Adam... It was incredible.

I loved it. But I shouldn't. I have a boyfriend. And Adam is my stepbrother! I shouldn't of lost control. I shouldn't of gotten myself that close.

I sighed and took of my make-up. I took out my earrings and slipped off my shoes. I fumbled with my necklace. Damn it won't undo. I felt something warm on my neck. Breath. His breath.


My necklace was put in my hand. He'd undone it. I turned to face him.


"You look incredible tonight..."

His warm hands were placed on my hips. Fire pumped through my veins and my hips tinkled.

"This dress on you..." His hand moved up to my waist. "It shows your perfect figure off so well... You look... Irresistable."

My heart was pounding in my chest. My stomach flipping. He stood there, staring at me. Feeling me. And I knew right there and then. That all I wanted right now was him. His look, his touch, his kiss. And that's what I got.

His lips were on mine. Our mouths moved together, hungrily. My hands were in his hair, my teeth pressing on his lips. He pulled me tighter towards him and moaned as our bodies pressed together and his hands roamed my body. Every part of me burned for his touch.

His lips moved down to my neck and I moaned as he found my spot and sucked. He moved his lips back to mine and his hands gripped my bum.

My hands travelled down from his neck and to his chest. I unbuttoned his shirt and slid my hands down his warm chest. I stroked his abs. My hand travelled back up and I placed it over his heart. I felt it pound quickly. I put my other hand over his belly button and pushed.

He pulled back a rested his forehead on mine, breathless.

"This is so wrong..."

"Then tell me why it feels so right." He replied whispering against my lips.

I placed my lips back into his. I pecked his lips a few more times and then pulled away.

"I should probably get some sleep..."

"Okay. Goodnight Amy."

"Goodnight Adam."

He left closing the door behind him. I sighed and flopped onto my bed.

What have I gotten myself into?

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