Chapter Forty Four: Coming Out

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I inspect myself in the mirror one more time. Hair looking awesome, check. Skinny jeans, check. Blink 182 T-shirt stolen from Grace, check. Jack Skellington back, check. Adam's red hoodie, check. Red converse, check. Homework, check. Confidence, fuck. Missing confidence. Guess I can't go to school today. Back to bed I go.

"Amy!" Mum calls. "Come on or you and Adam will be late!"

I swallow my nervous. It doesn't work. They pop right back up. Okay, Amy. You can do this. I go downstairs. Right, breathe. Breathe. That's it. Keep breathing. Good going lungs. God if this is what I'm like at home, what the fuck am I going to do at school?!

Adam and I were telling everybody today. To say I'm nervous would be a huge understatement. He pulls me into a hug and a sweet kiss.

"Chill." He whispers against my lips.

"I'm not nervous." I reply, not very convincingly.

"You look like you're about to puke, shit yourself or faint."

"None of those sound appealing."

"You also look beautiful." He adds with a smile.

We go into the kitchen and grab cereal bars. Coco Pop bar, yummy. But not even that calms my nervous.

I am shaking when I climb onto Adam's bike. I wrap my arms around him tightly. I burry my head in his shoulder.

We arrive far too quickly than I would have liked to. My heart is racing. We get off his bike.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Nope. In fact maybe this could-" I'm cut off.

His glorious lips are on mine. All my fear melts away and I kiss him back. His hand snakes around to my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck.


We pull apart. Carla is there, frozen. Her eyes are wide open and we mouth form an "o". Most of the people in the parking lot look like Carla. Oh God, lots of people are staring at us. Well, that's a load of people down.

Carla comes over.

"This? You? Him? Kissing? Huh? Explain?"

We tell her everything.

"That's... Wow!" She grins. "I have to go, I'll catch up with you at lunch."

She shoots off. That actually went well. Adams fingers interlock with mine. We walk into school, hand in hand. It's nice. It'd be a lot nicer if we didn't have hundreds of eyes on us though.

"Oi Adam!" A male voice calls.

It's one of Adam's friends. I can't remember his name.

"I'll see you later okay?"

"Okay." I say.

He kisses my lips softly.

"We did it..."

"Yeah." I smile.

He walks off. I keep walking. Pushing last loads of people, the hall is crammed.

"AMY!" I hear Adam shout.

I turn around. I can't see him, but boy can I hear him.


I turn bright red and the hall goes silent. All eyes are on us.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" I shout back.

The crowd keeps moving. There are loads of whispers. Okay, so now practically everybody knows. It feels... Good. Great in fact. Now more secrets. No more hiding. I love him and he loves me. Everybody knows.

The morning passes quickly. Soon it's lunch. I'm surprised to see Adam at our table, with a lot of his sportty mates. Popular people on our table. That's something I never though I'd see...

I go over and take a seat. Adam's arm drapes around my shoulder.

"So guys, my girl, Amy." He smiles and pecks my lips.

"Hey." I smile.

I greet them all. They're actually really nice. I thought they'd be jerks. Stereotypes huh...

Mickie storms over. Uh-oh, she does not look happy.

"What is this?!" She demands.

"A table..." Replies Grace. "Looks like I got all the brains in the family..."

The whole table laugh.

"No! This!" She points at me.

"It's not a this. She is a she." Adam says.

"Why the fuck are you sat with her?!"

"A guy is allowed to eat lunch with his girlfriend and their mates!" Will, one of Adam's friends says.

"Girlfriend?!" She screeches.

Dogs and cats across the world are going to be going crazy. No human should be able to produce a noise like that.


"But... You're related!"

"Not by blood."

"But it's... It's..."

"Oh my God she's speechless!"

"Everybody cherish this moment."

She just screams and stomps her foot. She shoots glares at me and screws her face up.

"Done now?" I ask with my eyebrow raised.

She turns and walks away. We continue our lunch and I have a really good time. Adams mates are really cool, and they get on with mine. In fact, Will keeps eying up Ab.

The rest of the day goes by quickly and soon we're home. I jump onto the couch and sigh.

"We did it!" I grin.

Adam sits next to me and pulls me into a hug.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I sigh and lay back into him. He twiddles my hair. It's nice, now we're like, official. It's no longer a secret.

"So, are we like official now?" I ask looking up at him.

"We aren't Facebook official. Well, not yet."

He fiddles about on his phone. He puts his away and mine buzzes. Facebook notification. I accept the relationship request.

"Oh my God!" I scream.


"THAT picture! Really?!"

He just laughs.

Adam's profile picture was of the two of us, it was taken on the morning of his birthday. My hair is in an absolute mess. I'm in my Superman PJs and have Megan in my arms. To be fair, we all look really happy. But still... My hair...

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