Chapter Thirty One: Gig

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The first week back was torture. It sucked. I forgot how much I hate the people. And the lessons. And the teachers. And all the homework. I have a stack of work on my desk. I should probably do some of it. Not tonight though. Fuck that. Tonight I'm seeing the Red Hot Chili Peppers live! WHOOP WHOOP.

"Hey." Adam walked in smiling.


He wrapped his arms around me and I was surrounded in his warmth.

"You looking forward to tonight?"

"I'm buzzing." I replied.

"What time are you leaving?"

"The cab is picking me up at four."

"So in half an hour?"

"It's half three already?!"


"Jesus Christ! How long was I drawing for?"

"A good while." He laughed. "I guess you lost yourself in your art."

I turned and looked at my half finished painting. It was a picture of Carla and me. Her birthday was coming up soon.

"It's amazing though. You're great at art."

"Thanks." I smiled up at him and then pecked his lips. "Now go. I have a convert to get ready for."

"I'd rather stay and help." He grinned cheekily.

"In your dreams Adam." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Come say bye once you're changed?"

"I will." I smiled and he left.

I ran over to my wardrobe. What to wear? I flicked through my shorts. Bingo! I took the pair of red denim shorts of the hanger and threw them on the bed next to my Red Hot Chili Peppers T-shirt.

I put on black tights and then my shorts. I threw my top over my head then went over to the mirror. I blacked my eyes and glossed my lips. I gotta look sexy for Keidis. Yeah he is fifty odd, but he is still hot and sexy and I love him.

I puffed my hair a bit and then went to Adam's room.

"You look gorgeous." He said as he snaked his arm around my waist.

"Thanks." I smiled and met his eyes.

I melted as I stared at his blue pools. His soft pink lips smushed with mine.

"I have to go now."

He frowned.

"Sorry babe." I pecked his lips.

"You are going to take a jacket right?" He asked.

"Yeah. It's downstairs."

"Ah okay."

He pulled me into a final kiss and then I ran downstairs. CHILI PEPPER TIME!!

I saw the cab pull up and I hopped in.

I saw pulled into a hug from the girls.

"I can't believe we're going to see them live." Carla squealed.

"I know!"

"I'm actually buzzing!"


"Jesus you sound like you're having a heart attack!"

"I am." Grace grinned. "Its too much excitement, my heart cant take it. Who ya texting?"

"Tom." Ab smiled.

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